Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Yes LexTec," The name easily rolled on my tongue, "My grandfather Calex and his brother Felex set up the company together. They both shared 'lex' in their name, hence LexTec." It was pretty cool, and on top of that my name also had 'lex' in it, Alexis. "It's good, isn't it?" 

I could hear her heavy breathing, she clearly was shocked. I stared out of the window feeling giddy. I wonder how she would react on revealing my previous job, she'd die from cardiac arrest that's for sure. 

"What?" She repeated as I laughed, she would definitely die if she found out. 

"The name," I leaned my head against the frame, my legs spread wide apart, "I'd prefer to meet up, I have many questions to ask. If you want that job Li, you gotta follow the rules," 

"And no hostels," I commented, "You're staying close to me," 

"Why do you care so much? Please don't do any more favours that would last a lifetime to pay back," She begged, her voice cracking slightly. Women, they were so emotional sometimes. I was giving her something she deserved and she thought I was doing her a favour? Even if I hadn't known her, she would have still received the offer. However I wasn't going to let her know that. 

If I wanted my fair share of fun, I'd let her believe she had no choice but to do as I say. I wanted her to feel helpless. 

Changing the subject, "Also, I really wish you weren't lying to my face Li. If I find out you went running to that abusive boyfriend of yours then I'm going to file a lawsuit against him. Understand?" and it was true, I was going to put that bastard behind bars 'till he was a rotten corpse. 

There was a knock on my office door and my PA's head poked in, I lifted a finger for him to wait. "I've got to go love but I'll meet you tonight. Just wait at the reception of the address I sent you in the email. I'll be waiting if you don't turn up then i'll have no choice but to call the police on you. Understood?"

Without waiting I bid farewell, "See you tonight, my vixen," and I hung up.

I watched my PA, his ears on my conversation. "New girl sir?" He asked a smile of his face.

"Something like that," I smirked, a dangerous lift in my tone. "Tell me Kia, how do you tame a woman as vicious as a tiger?" 

"I have no idea Sir, why?" He walked in, sitting opposite me. 

"I've had women falling at my feet not long ago but not this one, she bites hard," I almost wink, when his dumbfound mouth is open. "Bet you, you've seen no woman like her," 

"Can imagine Sir. What to do next?" 

I scratched my stubble turning on my chair to stand up. It was my desire to meet this Zackary Anderson, and see what had drawn a diamond like Li to him. I'd like to see my competition, see if he was worth my time.

I'd knew without effort that I'd get what I wanted, only time would tell how quick. Sooner or later my thirst would be quenched. 

"Let's visit Zackary Anderson," I threw my Mercedes key at him. 

He held open the door, "Right this way Sir," as he placed my jacket on my shoulders. I reached for my hat shadowing my face as I entered the outside world. 

A wicked smirk on my face, I felt the revolver hanging on my belt. 

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MA-AAARIIAAA MARIA MAIRA... *I'm shakin ma booty* 😂 I love this's so lit. 

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