Christmas Special 3

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Our lilac-haired protagonist walked around the house in search of a certain Cavalier that had gone missing. It was time for the dog's dinner and she still couldn't find her.

She looked under the kitchen counters, inside the cupboards, inside the ref, after recalling that there was once a time the darned dog stuffed herself inside. She still had no idea how that happened. But she has a picture in her phone of that occurence.

She wasn't there.

She looked inside the bathroom, wondering if her dog decided to play inside the toilet bowl again or hide inside the shower.

She wasn't there either.

She checked the small garden, which was now covered in blankets of snow, trying to call out the puppy's name multiple times. Her attempts had been in vain as no movement could be seen. She retreated back to her house. Checking the bedroom and dining area. Still not finding her there.

She decided that it was time that she asked for help. She sprinted over to a certain, white-haired male's place and ran towards his room in panic.

"Eishi-kun! I can't find-" She stopped midsentence. There she saw, her dog dressed up in a little reindeer suit. The bell ringing as she diverted her attention to her owner.

"Oh, Riese." The first seater finally acknowledged her prescence holding up two more costumes in his hands.

"Do you think that the reindeer looks good? Or the polar bear or snowman would look better?"

A/N - We hit 177 yesterday! You guys are uhmazinggg!!! Hope that you all enjoyed this super short chapter. I have one that's got more feels in my notebook but I'm lazy to type it down. :((( So maybe tomorrow? Heheh.

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