Chapter 1

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Elena P.O.V

"It's a girls night and we are sitting her dwelling about our guys problems with a bottle of wine?"Adaline said as she poured herself a cup of white wine.

"Well I'm not drinking and dwelling on guys. You guys are."I said as I pulled the blanket on myself. "Enjoy the hangover in the morning."

"I wonder what Tom is doing right now."River  said as she looked at her phone placed by her.

"He's probably having fun drinking with his mates at a pub."Adaline said as she took a sip of her glass of wine.

Zara walked in, wearing a red hourglass dress which for her perfectly. Her make up on point with her red heels pressed aganist my mahogany floorboards. Her hair neatly tucked to the side. "Why don't we go out? That new club has opened. We can't be stuck in here all day."

"I didn't even invite you guys. I had a plan for tonight you know to watch Matt Damon with a Chinese."

"Live a little!"Zara said as she threw her hands in the air. "Matt Damon will always be here get yourself out there."

"I don't want to be out there."

"Matt Damon sounds so good right now."Ari said agreeing with me.

Adaline looked at me with her glass of wine in her hand. "That's the best thing you can do right now because I'm so close of calling off this engagement to Lee."

"Lee is such a wonderful person! Why would you?"River asked as she looked at Adaline.

"Well if you are so thingy with him why don't you?"

"I only just asked."River mumbled.

"We all need a night out and girls I seriosuly need this right now."Zara said with a sigh. "It's been a month now that me and Enzo have ended it and I want some fun you know."

"Guilting us into this? Seriously Zara?"I rolled my eyes at her.

"Just for me please?"

"Fine then."Adaline said as she stood up. "But no talking about Lee or Tom or Javs."

Ari looked at Adaline. "Did I even mention his name?"

"I'm telling you now."


Adaline closed the taxi door as Ari pulled her skirt a little down for her bare legs not to show.

"If you are going to do that all night you shouldn't of wore it."Adaline said as she walked in front of us.

"What the fuck is wrong with her today?"Ari mumbled.

"Ignore her. She's being a total bitch."

"Heard that!"Adaline yelled as she linked her arms with River.

"You were meant to!"

Ari linked her arms with me. "Elena I really want to call Jav."

"Wait until we are in and we will run to the toilets you can call from there."I whispered. "Just don't tell Ade."

Ari nodded and we saw this long line all the way up to the end of the street.

"I didn't even want to come and now we have to wait in the freezing cold to get in?"

"Shut up. I've got a plan."Zara said then she walked to the bouncer at the front fluttering her eyes at him with us behind her.

"Oh could you please let me and my friends in?"She asked as she placed her hand on his arm."We just want one night of fun."

He looked at her and licked his lips. "Darling, I would love to but you aren't the list."

"What the fuck is going on?"River whispered confused as fuck.

The bouncer looked at me and pulled a devilish grin at me. He wasn't my type. Ari nudged me. "I think he let us in if you flirt with him."She whispered.

Adaline turned over her shoulder and gave me a look. "Please?"She mouthed.

"There are millions of other clubs around here you know."I muttered under my breath as I unlinked my arms with Ari.

"The things I do for you guys."I added as I walked up to the bouncer and Zara.

I waved my hand at the bouncer as I stood by him. "Hey."

"Hi."He said as he looked at my chest.

Seriously? Guy my eyes are up here not down there. I rolled my eyes and Zara threw me a look.

"¿Es realmente importante este club?"I spoke in Spanish to Zara. "Hay muchos por ahí"

"Sí ahora es trabajar con su magia."Zara replied with a smile on her face. Ari let out a chuckle.

The bouncer looked at me. "I don't know what you just said but it sound so.."He smacked his lips together.

"A horny ass bouncer."Adaline said as she faked coughed.

Zara threw a look at her to shut her mouth. I looked at the bouncer my eyes slowly fluttered at him. "Could you please let me and my friends in?"I smiled.

He looked at me. "Yeah of course darling."

"Thank you."

He brought his lips to my ear. "Darling, just don't have any fun without me I'll join you soon."His hand slowly snaked itself up my thigh. I quickly took a step back and smiled at him.

We walked into the club. "The shit i do for you guys. I want Matt Damon night next week."

River smiled."You'll sure get it."

I looked at her and gave her a serious look. "And no smooching with Tom in the middle of it."

River nodded. "Promise."

"I'm going to get us drinks. Adeline grab us a table trust me we need the front seats."Zara said with a wink.

"You said this club was new. And we assumed you hadn't been."River eyed her.

"We are going to have a blast today trust me whether you are single or not."Zara smiled and went to the bar.

"I'm going to grab us a table."Adaline said and left us.

"I need to apply more lippy."Ari said giving me a look. "Let's go to the bathroom."

"I'm going to see what's going on."River said.

Ari pulled my arm and dragged me to the bathroom with her pushing past people. We stood in front of the mirror with bunch of ladies crowding around us.

"I can't wait for tonight."One of the ladies said with a massive grin on her face. "It's going to be amazing show."

I looked at her. "What did you mean?"

She looked at me and let out a soft chuckle. "Didn't you know?"


"This is a stripper club. And tonight show is going to be amazing."

I nudged Ari she looked at me as she was on the phone. She mouthed what?

"It's a stripper hub."

Her eyes dropped and she quickly ended the call. "Don't lie."

"I'm not this lady just told me."

Then we heard the music starting to play loudly. The lady looked at us. "Girls you aren't going to miss this."

Me and Ari looked at each other.

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