Chapter 22

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Chris P.O.V

I looked at the sheet of paper in front of me again reading all of it.

"Ari is my sister."I whispered to myself making myself believe it.

I have a sister?! A sister?!

Hermana? I looked at the paper again shocked and confused.

"Chris?"Erick asked as he looked at me with concern.

I looked up from the paper. "I need fresh air." And I walked out of the hospital corridor and ran outside to the enterance.

I have a sister? A question which kept on repeating again and again in my head.

But how? It's always been me and Jonathan and Mum.

No one ever mentioned anything about a sister.

"Chris?"Richard asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I turned over my shoulder to see him there. "Can you leave me alone?"

Zabdiel was stood by him, he let out a sigh. "Are you sure? We don't want to leave you alone right now."

"I just want to be left alone."

"We know it comes as a big shocker and it's a lot to take in."Richard said acting like he knew how this felt." But talk to us."

"Seriously? You are going to act like you know how I feel?"I said as I looked at him with wtf look. "You don't get how I feel, you don't know how it feels like to find out that your childhood was a big fat ass lie."

"Richard didn't mean it like that."Zabdiel said as he let out another hopeless sigh. "He's trying to say you can talk to us about it."

"Oh Zabdiel! You out of all people should take that advice don't you think?"

Zabdiel looked at me. "It's not about me at this moment it's about you."Zabdiel said as he gave me a look. "And you out of all people should understand how hard life fucking is!"

Richard looked at us both. "Just leave it."He looked at me. "If you don't want to talk about it then fine don't talk about it but you should at least tell that poor innocent girl in that hospital bed that you are her brother."

Richard took a hold of Zabdiel's arm and they both walked back into the hospital.

Maybe I was being a little too harsh...

"Chris?"Someone called out my name as my head was buried in my hands.

I looked up to see Adeline stood there. "Chris."

Adeline P.O.V

"Me and Zabdi are going to go out after him."Richard said.

"Are you sure?"Elena asked with a worried expression on her face.

"Yeah we are."Zabdiel replied with a nod then looked at us all. "If you get a chance to see her don't tell her."

"Yeah Zabdiel is right."Richard added as he looked at us all. "She doesn't need to know yet."

"Agreed."Zara said with a nod.

"Let me come with you."I said as I looked at them both. "Maybe I could be some help?"

Erick looked at me. "Don't think that's a good idea."

Richard looked at me with a smile on his face. "If we can't get though to him you can go after?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Then they both left, Joel's feet taller aganist the floor staring at the wall in front of him.

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