Chapter 33

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"He's the guy who raped her."

That sensetance echoed in my mind, not knowing what to say or what to do.

She was raped?!

Was this what she was on about on that night on the roof?


Zara's hand touched my wrist. "Zabdiel?"

I turned my head to her. "Yeah?"

"Did she not tell you?"Zara asked softly as she looked at me. "Because it's a very difficult subject for her."

"No she didn't."I replied with a sigh."How long has it been that this happened?"

"It's been five years since it happened."Zara said with a sigh.

"Was it the guy who broke her heart?"I asked as I chewed on my lip.

Zara's face softened. "Forget that for now, can you go see where she went?"

"Yeah I will."

Zara moved her hand away and I turned around, I walked out of the kitchen and walked down the hall.

She would be in her bedroom.

I stood by her bedroom door hearing the sniffing and weeping, I took a deep breath and let it out my hand rested on the door handle then I opened the door.

She was in her bed with her pillow against her chest crying away hadn't realised I was in the room yet.

I walked into the room and closed the door behind myself. I sat on the edge of the bed, my hand rested on her ankle. "El?"

She let out a sniff as she sat up on the bed and looked up."Yeah?"

A lump formed on my throat not knowing what to say at all.

"Zabdiel?"She asked, her eyes all red and puffy her face looked so drained out of life.

I gulped and looked at her. "El, tell me what's wrong."

She looked at me and let out a sigh, she put her pillow down. "She told you didn't she?"

"What do you mean?"

"Please don't act dumb. She told you."Elena said as she looked down at her hands. "Now you know, I'm dirty and damaged."

I moved myself a little up on the bed and placed my hand in hers. "You aren't."

"I'm Zabdiel."She said with a sigh. "Don't act like I'm not."

"You aren't."

She looked up from her hands and looked at me. "You've already been staring at me weirdly, now you know you are going to leave."

"I'm not going to leave."I said as my finger rubbed her hand. "Why would I leave you for?"

"Because I've been raped. Guys don't go out without girls who have been raped."

"Whoever told you that needs a punch to the face and a kick to where it hurts."

She let out a soft chuckle. "Always restoring to violence."

"Hey, I'm not the one who threatened to yoke Erick's eyes out."

She let out another chuckle and looked down at her hands. With my free hand I lifted up her chin to look at me. "You are beautiful."

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