Chapter 4

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Elena P.O.V

We let Adeline get her wild on and when the guy left she was just so quiet and amazed of him.

"How long left until we leave?"

"Come on there is one more left then a group one!"Zara replied with a smile on her face.

"You can't not say you aren't enjoy this night?"River chuckled with a smile.

"Yeah seeing Ari falling off a chair and Adeline on one was a good night."I said saratically as I rolled my eyes.

"I just can't believe I danced like that though..."Zara said as she looked at us all.

"Believe it! I wish I recorded it but it was so unexpected!"Ari exclaimed.

"It's actually great that we went out instead of order a Chinese and watched Matt Damon."Adeline said as she took a sip of her fourth drink.

"Don't say any sort of shit about my Matt Damon and I'm still getting a Chinese after this."

"Yeah we will see."

The plump guy appeared again and told us that this was going to be amazing. "Here is to come the best for the last, the amazing Puerto Rico who can defentley make you purr."

"These intros are getting creepy and cringy as fuck."I said as I looked at the stage waiting for the next act.

Sigueme y sigo by daddy Yankee started to play. And a hot fuckable guy appeared in a maroon tshirt and black jeans.

My mouth was watering as I looked at this guy.

He started to dance and my jaw dropped because he looked amazing and fine as he did it. Then he looked at me and reached out his hand to me.


Zara placed my hand right into his. "She'll dance with you right now."

She pushed me off the stool and he helped me walk up to the stage. He sat me down on the chair and the song changed to how do you feel by Matt Bomer.

His tshirt came off and landed on my lap I went red.

"GO ON ELENA!!!"Adeline yelled my name on the top of her lungs!

"TOUCH THOSE ABS GIRL!"River and Ari yelled. "LIVE A LITTLE!"

The guy grinned at me then he was on me and to be honest I wouldn't of mind this if we were alone in a room but we weren't.

Somehow my hands were on his body and his legs wrapped around my waist his hot breath tickled my neck making me want more of him right now.

He brought his lips towards my ear. "How do you feel?"He whispered his hot breath.....

Then he pulled himself off me and the song ended he gave me a smile then went.

Adeline ran onto the stage. "How the fuck do you feel girl? We saw you."

"Fuck me now."

"He was fuckable from afar."

"He was more fuckable near."


The song my pony started to play, all of us looked at each other confused.

"Shit are they all going to come out?"Zara said with a smile on her face.

"I can't take too much hotness in a club like this."River said as she tried to catch her breath.

"I just hope I don't fall off the chair again."Ari said as she took a sip of my coke.

The lights went out and then from the stage a light appeared which brighten the whole club.


"Seriously the intros are fucking weird as fuck."I said as I rolled my eyes.

"You should write them some you know."Ari said giving me a nudge.

"You are the English teacher I'm not."

"Shush!"Adeline screamed at us.

The club filled up screams and cheers then they appeared all in a pair of jeans shirtless and standing there looking fuckable.

The guy who did me looked at me and gave me a grin. "Fuck me."I whispered underneath my breath.

Zara kept her gaze on her guy where as Ari was trying not fall off her chair again and river and Adeline couldn't stop screaming.

They stared to dance and aaaahh it was amazing so amazing I can't even....

Then the song ended and they left the stage leaving us speechless as fuck.

Ari grabbed a hold of my hand. "Toliet now."

I nodded and got up from my stool. I walked to the bathroom only to be see the guys were walking out of backstage the guy caught my gaze and gave me a warm smile.

We went to bathroom and came back out, we walked over to the table to see those guys sat there at our table talking to Zara and everyone there.

"Hope I don't fall on the floor again."Ari said as she clenched onto my arm.

"Why does everyone grab my arm for?"

"Just walk."

We walked over to the table, Zara talking to that guy she danced with and River talking timdly towards the guy she cheered on and Adeline talking to the guy.


The guy who sat on my stool he looked at me his chiselled jaw. "Hi."

I couldn't help go red a little. He smiled. "I'm Zabdiel." He brought his hand out.

Should we be shaking hands? Did he remember what he did to me? "Elena."

"Nice name."

"Yours too."

Ari was talking to her guy she fell for well LITREALLY did.

We all introduced each other. My phone pinged and I pulled my phone out and it was my alarm to get ready for work.

I looked at Zara signalling her that we had to leave.

"We have to go."I said as I looked at Zabdiel and Chris.

"Richard is bringing the drinks in! Don't go."Chris said with a smile on his face.

"We have very more fun to get through."

Adeline looked at me. River gave me the same look. "I don't think we should go."River said curling the ends of her hair with her index finger.

I let out a sigh. "It's fine forget it."

Zabdiel looked at me. "If you got somewhere to be you should go don't let us hold you back."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Let's enjoy this night!"Richard yelled as he placed the tray of drinks of the table.

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