Chapter 9

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Elena P.O.V

Few days after

I threw my bag onto the couch and let out a sigh of exhusantion. I let my coat slipped itself off as I took a seat on the couch I slowly closed my eyes wanting to fall asleep.

"ELENA!"Zara yelled on the top of her lungs.

I slowly opened my eyes to see her in front of me with a smile on her face. "Yes?"

"Erick has invited us to a club."Zara said with a smile plastered on her face. "Come on get ready."

"I don't want to go!"I said as I looked at her my eyes slowly closing.

"Why? Come on it's been ages since we went out."

"We went out last Friday and we met the guys."I rolled my eyes at her. "You all did promise a Matt Damon night."

"That meant all of us didn't it?"

"Fuck off."

"Can you please come with me? You won't be alone."Zara pleaded with me. "The rest are going to be there you get along with them don't you?"

"I'm tired as fuck Zara. I just came back from my nurse shift and I'm tired."



"Zabdiel is going be there!"

I looked at her. "Really? Let me go get ready!"

She smiled."Yay! Wear that nice dress of yours!"

"Are you a dumb? Are you dumb?"

Zara rolled her eyes at me and let out a sigh. "You never do anything for me I'm only asking this one thing..."

"You aren't guilting me into this no matter what ask the others to go with you."

"Adeline is ignoring my calls, Ari is spending the night with Javs."Zara explained. "River is stuck at work and they all have someone we are single man we should be out there!"

"If you want to be out there you can but I don't want to."

"Why? Just because one person broke your heart doesn't mean others would."

"That one time was enough."

"Not all guys are like that."

"No I'm not going. You can invite Erick over but I'm not going out."

"Thanks mum."Zara said in a sarcastic tone and walked down into the hall.

I got up from the couch and picked up my bag I should get out of my nurse uniform. I walked down the hall and I could hear Zara talking to Erick over the phone.

Erick suits her they can have each other heck all of them can but love isn't for me and it won't be for me in any form or shape.

I walked into my room and got changed into my sleeping with sirens hoodie and leggings I put on my comfy spotty socks and walked out of my room.

I walked down into the living room where Zara was comfortable sat. She looked at me as I sat next to her giving me a small wave.

"Why are you acting so weird for?"I asked as I looked at her.

"I'm not."She replied with a smile on her face.

"I swear Holland if you are trying anything I'm going to kill you."

"I'm not."

The doorbell rang, Zara quickly ran to the door and opened the door to see Erick stood there with a grin on his face.

He didn't bring any friends....

He walked into the living room he looked at me and smiled. "Hey Elena."

"Hey Erick."

"How you been?"

"Good. You?"

"Same here."

We both nodddd at each other then Zara and Erick sat down by me and it was so annoying the looks they would give each other the sexual tension between them.

I got up. "I'm tired I'm going to sleep."

"Nighty."Zara said with a smile on her face.

"Goodnight."Erick added.

"Just don't make any loud noises please! I will be sleeping!" And I ran out of the living room and went into my bedroom.

Zara P.O.V

"I'm so sorry about that."I said with a chuckle looking at Erick's breathtaking eyes.

He let out a soft chuckle. "It's fine."

He looked into my eyes as I looked into his. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear his breath slowly tickling my cheek as he did that.

"You are so beautiful."He whispered slowly as he placed his hand on my cheek.


I just looked at him admiring all the features of his jaw dropping face. He brought his lips onto mine and they moved in sync.

But feelings of Enzo came flooding down no no....

Erick pulled away from the kiss and looked at me as tears trickled down my face.

"What's wrong?"He asked in a concerned voice his thumb slowly wiped my tears away.

"It's too fast."I replied. "I'm so sorry that was so beauitful though."

He nodded. "Entiendo."

"I'm so sorry though."

"I get it."

"Do you want to carry on watching the movie then?"

He nodded. "Yeah sure."

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