Chapter 25

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Ari P.O.V

A brother? So I wasn't all alone for all those years? I actually had someone out there for me?

But he just walked out that door with one of my best friends following him.

"Ignore him."Richard said with a sigh. "He has a lot on at the moment."

"He isn't very good with feelings too."Erick said with a sad expression on his face. "But he'll come around."

"Are you sure?"I asked as I bit my lip looking at them all.

"He will."Zabdiel replied with a smile on his face.

I looked at Elena, she didn't look like herself these days and Zara gave me a hint of her not acting like herself.

But since when has she been herself? It's been forever since she was that herself.

I looked at Joel. "He will come around won't he?"

Joel nodded and squeezed my thumb. "He sure will."

"What if he doesn't?"

"Then he's div who doesn't need your time."

"But he will."River assured me as she squeezed my knee.

"Are him and Ade back on though?"Zara asked as she took a sip of her coke. "She seems to be with him all the time."

"So what if she is?"Elena replied with a harsh tone. "Let her love whoever she wants."

Zara pulled a face. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing."She mumbled underneath her breath looking down at the floor.

She was breaking inside. I knew just by looking at her not matter how hard she tried to hid it from us we could still sense it all.

River let out a yawn as she laid her head on Richard's shoulder her eyes slowly closing.

Richard smiled as her eyes closed his hand placed on her knee.

Guess he didn't know of Tom then?

But I had a brother. Who I needed right now.

"I'm going to bed me and Erick are."Zara said as she looked at us all.

"All we ask if you can keep it down."Elena said with a annoyed look on her face. "We do need to hear the tv not anything else."

I let out a soft chuckle. I looked at both of them. "Goodnight."

"You too. You know where we are if you need us."Erick said with a smile then left with Zara.

"Where's River sleeping tonight?"Richard asked as he looked down at her.

"In the room on the right."Elena replied with a nod.

Then he picked her up bridal style and left with her.

Leaving me, Joel, Zabdiel and Elena in the room.

"What should we watch?"Joel asked as I flicked through the channels.

"Anything."Elena said as she looked at the sleeves of her hoodie.

I put the remote down and looked at her. "Are you okay El?"

She looked up. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Did you just hear what you said?"I said in shock looking at her. "You never say that to movies."

"Erugh! Can you guys stop making a big deal out of every little thing?"

Zabdiel looked at Joel. "Why don't you just put peaky on?"

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