Chapter 15

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Next Day

Ari's P.O.V

"You look a little pale."Chris said as he sat next to me and Joel.

My head aganist Joels arm and my hand rested on his thigh just looking at the sun setting in front of us. "I don't."

"She does. You do Ari."Chris said with concern in his voice and he gave Joel a look. "Look at her Joel."

Joel turned his head to me and looked at me. "Chris is right."He said as he touched my cheek I let out a little whince. "What was that?"


Joel gave a look to Chris. "Your cheek has a bruise Ari."

Chris hovered over me and looked at my cheek. "How did you do that?"

"It's only a small bruise."I lied hoping they would believe this. "I walked into the basitner it's fine now."

Joel and Chris looked at each other giving each others looks. They both looked at me and nodded.

Chris stood in front of me and Joel as we talked.

"So how do you know Spanish then?"Chris asked as he sat down on the floor cross legged.

"My grandad knew it."I replied with a smile. "So he taught me it."

"Was your grandad from South America or Spain?"Joel asked as he looked at me.

"He was from Ecuador."I replied with a smile on my face. "He was a lovely person."

"Ecuador?"Chris said as he bit his lip. "Whereabouts in Ecuador?"

"A town called Lojo."

Chris looked at Joel then looked at me. He smiled. "That is so weird, I'm from Lojo Ecuador."

"No freaking way!"

Then we gave each other high fives then had this smile on both of our faces.

"So what about you guys?"I asked as I looked at them both. "Joel? Chris?"

"Born in New Jersey moved back to Ecaudor due problems."Chris replied with a shrug. "Love music and love to sing but tried it out now I'm a stripper."

"From California, Mexican and tried out many things but it didn't work out."Joel said as he looked at me with a faded smile. "Same as Chris love singing and music but now I'm a male entertainer."

"One of the best male entertainers."

"Thank you."They both said together.


A bang came from the door, I rolled on my side more comfortable on Joels chest snuggled my head in his arms feeling so safe and warm.

The bang stopped then I heard shouting going on, my eyes slowly opened up to see Joel laying there with me a blanket over us on the floor in Elena's room.

The door quickly opened to see Adeline stood there. "Ari!"She whispered yelled as she knelt down to me and shake my shoulder.

I turned my head to her. "Yeah?"Letting out a yawn.

"Javs is here!"She whispered as she gave me a worried look.

I looked at her with wide eyes. "No he can't be."

"He is! He just had an arguement with El."Adeline said with a sigh. "Now Yam and Richard are trying to sort him out."

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