Chapter 34

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Elena's P.O.V

"I just can't believe twenty minutes ago we were at Ricky Martin's house."Zara said in shock. "And we were eating dinner with him and Enrique Igelasis."

"And you guys claim that I'm bad?"I scoffed as I sat down cross legged on the ground.

"You found out where he lived she didn't."Joel said defending Zara.

"Look, she was the one who dare me and El  to find out where he live."Ari said as she rolled her eyes. "Me and El never give up on a challenge and she wanted it more than us."

"That is true."I said as I looked at all of them. "She isn't as innocent as she looks."

"Be the innocent flower but be the serpent underneath it."River qouted macbeth.

"Oh my gosh River! Did you just quote Macbeth?!"Ari gushed as she hugged her tight. "So proud! You do actually read the work before you mark it!"

"What does she mean by that?"Richard asked with a confused expression. "I thought you work as an accountant."

"Sometimes I get really bored and Ari gives me her marking and I do it."River replied with a shrug.

"But doesn't Ari get paid for that?"Erick asked with a confused expression on his face.

"I do but it's boring and Riv likes doing it."Ari replied with a shrug.

Chris plastered a grin on his face and wiggled his eyesbrows. "That's what I'm going to do."

"Don't you fucking dare!"Zabdiel said as he looked at him.

I let out a laugh, Zabdiel looked at me and I looked down.

He knows now and it isn't that. I just feel really upset that he's going on tour and I won't see him for a really long time.

He's a guy who I actually is falling In love with for a really long time now.

Zabdiel took a hold of my hand. "Get up."


"Just get up."

I nodded and got up from the floor he turned to the guys. "We will be back in a little."

"Don't do anything dodgy!"Richard yelled after us.

Me and Zabdiel let out a chuckle then we walked a few metres away from them.

"What are we doing?"

"You'll see."

We walked a few metres up to the massive rock where there was a beautiful view of this lake where we somehow ended up together on a night out.

Zabdiel helped me to sit on the Rock and then he sat next to me, he placed his hand on my knee as the moon and stars shine down on us.

"You've been acting a little weird ever since we got back from Ricky's."

"I haven't."

His thumb stroked my hand. "Please tell me what's on your mind."

I turned my head to him, my eyes brimming with tears. "I-I don't want you to go."Choking up on my own words.

His face softened, he brought his index finger and lifted my chin. "I don't want to go either, I don't want to leave you."

"But I'm being selfish."I said as tears streamed down my face. "This is a dream of yours you need to chase."

"I want to but I don't want to if its going to make you upset."His thumbs wiped my tears away.

"I'll be upset for a little bit."

"And that's okay. I'll FaceTime you everyday and send you annoying texts and you'll get sick of me."

"I won't."I said with a chuckle. "I wouldn't."

He brought his lips onto mine and we kissed then he pulled away, our foreheads pressed against each other our noses touching.

"You, Elena Yatra have showed me that it's okay to start loving again and I'm happy it was you."Zabdiel said as his eyes looked into mine. "Because there was a hole in my heart and you filled it. Our kisses give me hope and there no words how I can describe the feeling I have with you."

I smiled as he cupped my face. "Zabdiel de Jesus, there were so many times the pain was more then I could take but being with you.."I said as I looked at him. "But it's like those scars are erased and finally I realised I can breath again and love again because the fear of loving is gone and I don't have to face the world again."

He smiled and we kissed.

"WE HAVE TO GO!"Chris and Erick yelled from the bottom. "CONTIUE THE LOVEFEST AT HOME!"

"ITS COLD HURRY THE FUCK UP!"Adeline yelled.

We let out a chuckle as we pulled away with smiles on our faces.

Happy new year to you all!

I hope it goes well for you and everything you want comes to you!


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