Keep On Arguging And Complaining You Won't Like The Result

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Dad- "Allyssa I had it with your behavior. You either stop or we will be having a long discussion in my study"

Allyssa- "Fine. I'm sorry"

Dad- "Allyssa McGarrett" I said in a very stern warning tone

Allyssa- "I'm sorry Dad. I just really want to go to the mall"

Dad- "And is throwing a fit helps the situation?"

Allyssa- "No Sir"

Dad- "You know better than to get mad over not going to the mall"

Allyssa- "I know. And I'm sorry Dad"

Dad- "I can't allow the kind of behavior you just displayed Allyssa. You are not allowed to go shopping for 2 weeks"

Allyssa- "But....Dad"!

Dad- "No buts Allyssa"

Allyssa- "Fine"

Dad- I raised my eyebrows at her

Dad- I raised my eyebrows at her

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Allyssa- "I mean. Yes Sir"

Dad- "Ok. Now go finish your school work"

Allyssa- "K"

Dad- "After we can go to the beach for awhile"

Allyssa- "Tay"!

Steve McGarrett Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now