She Earned This (Part 2)

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Lou- "Woah....are you saying that your daughters are at a party. Thank goodness it's not my daughter"

Steve- "We need to go"

Danny- "Right behind you" I said as I got up from my seat

Tani- "Do you want us to go with you"?

Steve- "I think we will be alright, thanks though" I said as walked away


Tani- "Wow he's handling it well"

Lou- "Don't be too sure about Tani. McGarrett may seem fine but inside his blowing up"

Junior- "Just you wait until you hear about Steve bringing Lissy home. Steve won't be as calm and nice as he is right now"


Steve- "I shouldve know this thing would've happened"

Danny- "Dude you cant always keep her away from these kind of things"

Steve- "I know but i wish I could"

Danny- "How come you made a left inside of a right? Isn't the house over there"?

Steve- " Yeah but there is something else you should know. I didn't say it in front of the whole team"

Danny- "What is it"?

Steve- "They were brought to the police station"

Danny- "What? Why"?

Steve- " One of the police officers did drug test on them and it turns out that my daughter was drinking and smoking "

Danny- "What about Grace"?

Steve- "She had a little bit of alcohol in here"

Danny- "Thats better"

Steve- "I'm so frustrated"

Danny- "I am too man but we can't murder them"

(A/N not really murder them)

Steve- "Do you want me to be calm about this"?

Danny- "No but what I am saying is that you need to cool off some steam before get there" I told him. Don't get me wrong I'm trying controlling my anger along with his anger

Steve- I sighed as I gripped the steering wheel

-Meanwhile at the police station-

Duke- "Your Dad are on there way" I said as I let them into the cell

Grace- "This is all of your fault"

Lissy- "No it isn't. It's yours"

Grace- "You were the one who had invited me to this party"

Lissy- "So? I thought you would want to go"

Grace- "I did before I knew there was going to be drinking and smoking"

Lissy- "Grace this is a high school party. What did you think it was going to be"

Grace- "I don't know but all I know is that Danno isnt going to be happy"

Lissy- "Easy for you to say. My Dad is going to blow his top off. I'd be lucky if I would survive tonight"

Grace- "This wouldn't have happened if...."

Lissy- "Just be quite Grace"

-Seconds later-

??- "Hey,  you were at the party right"? I asked.

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