Report Card

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Lissy- "Hey Dad" I said as I got into truck after school

Dad- "Hey Lissy. How was school"? I said as drove down the street

Lissy- "Good. I'm tired though"

Dad- "Well we can rest at the palace"  replied

Lissy- "Okay" It was normal for me to go to the palace after school

Dad- "I picked up some food for you". I said

Lissy- "What did you get"?

Dad- "Cheese burger and fries" I said as we turned into the palace parking lot

Lissy- "Okay"

Dad- "You can eat it when we get in there" I said as I parked

Lissy- "Okay" I said as I got out

-Inside The Palace-

Dad- "Here is your food"

Lissy- "Thanks"

Dad- "After you are done eating I want to see your report card"

Lissy- "Oh okay"

-After lunch-

Lissy- "Here is my report card Dad"

Dad- "Thanks"

Allyssa M. McGarret

Math: A
History: A
Science: B
Language Arts: B
English: A

Dad- "Good job Lissy. I am proud of you"

Lissy- "Thanks Dad"

Dad- "After I am done here you want to go to the shrimp shack and get shaved ice to celebrate"?

Lissy- "Sure"

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