The past of (Y / N) part 1

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- Daddy, look what I did! -The little girl had a typical child's drawing.
- How cute, (Y / N), your drawing is wonderful.- Daddy said, looking at the sketch, smiling proudly and gently.
- Daddy... Does Mommy like me ...?- The little girl said.
- Why are you asking me that, my dear?- Daddy said.
- Mommy never listened to me, she seems to like my sister more than me...- The little girl looked sad
- Your mother loves you both equally, your sister is going through a difficult time, she may be trying to help.- Dad ran his hand over the little girl's head.- Do not worry, my daughter... I'll always be here for you.


I looked at my father on the floor of the room, a puddle of red liquid forming beneath him, spreading across the floor.
"Do not worry, he's just sleeping, this is going to be our little secret, right? Don't tell anyone. Let's continue with our game, remember, that's all for Her."
- Yes ... Everything for her...- I said


My daddy wasn't sleeping, it was a lie, and I believed, but now it's too late ... If I had done something, he would still be with me ... Daddy, I'm sorry...

- Is something bothering you?- Billy asked.
- I was just thinking.- I said.
- About what? You can tell us.- Stu said.
- Maybe someday, it's still too early...- I smiled.
- As you wish.- The both said.
- And you two? How did you end up here?- I asked.
- We commit serial killings in Woodsboro.- Stu said.
- I think you may have heard of the killer Ghostface.- Billy said.
- Yeah ... I heard, so you two were the killer?- I was surprised.- And how did you get caught?
- Tricked by our victim...- The both said.
- I still can't believe I fell into such a silly trick...- Stu looked disappointed
- Damn, Sidney.-  Billy was disgusted.
- That must have been horrible for you...- I said.

After a few minutes of silence watching the others in that place, I resolved to break the ice.

- Do you think it is possible to escape from here ...?- I asked
- I think so, although I find it difficult, many of the guards here take the job seriously, if they managed to arrest even Jason and Michael...- Billy- I keep thinking about how they did it, the two are very strong.
- Michael...? Jason...?- I was confused.

They both looked at me in surprise.

- Don't you know who they are?- Stu
I shook my head.
- Jason Voorhees, and Michael Myers, they're so famous, how come you do not know them?!- Billy
- I don't know...- I sighed.
- Jason Voorhees is famous for "haunting" the Crystal Lake, killing all those who invade the place. And Michael Myers, he killed his sister when he was young and then spent 15 years in a sanitarium, then fled from behind the other sister.- Billy said.
- Both immortals, though Jason is practically dead.- Stu laughed.
- And the one with burnt skin? Is that...?- Stu interrupted me.
- Freddy Krueger, he is a ... "Demon of dreams".- Stu said.
- I think I've seen him somewhere...- But I don't remember where...

I noticed the young man who was in the corner, alone, he, unlike all the others except for the gentleman who seems older than us, had the normal appearance, he seemed to be shy.

- Why is he alone?- I asked pointing at the young man.
- His name is Norman Bates, he's a bit introverted, he's not quiet like Michael and Jason, but he's not accustomed to talking much to everyone, except for Hannibal Lecter.- Billy said. Stu laughed.
- Stopping to think, you two look alike.- Stu said.

Some time later a guard entered the room we were in, and called everyone to go to their cells if they did not want to face the consequences, but no one seems to be frightened by this "threat."I followed everyone towards that hallway, each one entering his cell, without complaining, except for Freddy, who growled and said things that were difficult to understand. I walked down the hallway, but because someone pushed me from behind, I fell to the floor, but I got up straight then, until I heard a grunt coming from behind.

- ...?- I turned, watching the man wearing a strange mask that looked like a distorted human face, he grunted again, I didn't understand anything.
- H-He's asking i-if you're okay...- I heard someone say, it was Norman.
- O-Oh ... Y-Yes, I'm fine...- I said.

Then the man grunted again before walking back to the cell to the right of mine.

- I-I'm Norman Bates...- Norman said.
- I'm (Y/N) (L/N)...- I said.
- Forgive me, I bumped into you accidentally, it wasn't on purpose...- He said nervous.
- No problem, I didn't get hurt, anyway, you don't have to worry.- I said, and then walked to my cell.- See you later.
- S-See you later...- Norman.

I think I can get some sleep before lunch, I wonder what ... Mommy must be doing now...
"You don't have to worry about her, (Y / N)..." I heard my sister's voice
- Okay, sister...- I then lay down on the bed, closing my eyes

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