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Hi everyone, First of all I would like to apologize for the fact that I am not updating the story these days, let's say that these days the school is pushing me a lot, and I ended up running out of time to think and write the chapters.

Even my new story, I have not updated yet because I'm out of time. I'll probably only come back to update after Friday or even near the end of the month, I really have a lot to do here. The short time I have I try to distract myself by reading something, the school really is pushing me too much. And about my new story...

The new story I was thinking of updating (Actually the first chapter is already there, but I'll just get back to updating when I'm free and probably after I update this story here!), It's the story in the original version of Innocent Devil (Yes, I've had the (Y / N) story in mind for quite some time, but the stories differ at one point as they both follow different directions)

So it's ... I kind of like to share this other story I wrote, for those who somehow found the (Y / N) story interesting. But well, let's hope I get free as fast as possible TuT

So, until I do everything the teachers told me to do, I'm unfortunately not going to be able to update the story, sorry... ;-;

Innocent Devil  - Slashers x Reader(discontinued for now)Where stories live. Discover now