The Past Of (Y/N) Part 2

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- (Y/N), you don't need to worry... It's just a black out.- My classmate, Mia, said.
- I'm afraid of the dark, where are you, Mia...?- I said.
- I'm here...- She hummed.
- Stay in your seats, and do not leave the classroom to avoid accidents.- The teacher said, as I walked through the room, I heard her footsteps, the sound of her heels in the classroom.

It was raining a lot, it's looking like night out there ... The hallway was completely dark, my classroom was on the second floor of the school, I was only 15, I had some friends, but none was like Mia, she was almost a sister for me, but it did not surpass my true sister.

- (Y / N) need not be afraid of the dark, I'm here to protect you- Mia  held my hand.
- I'm not a child...- I said.
- But  you act like one sometimes, you're my baby, don't forget that!- She said it authoritatively, but she laughed right away, I laughed with her too.

After a few minutes, when everyone was talking to each other, the teacher caught our attention, speaking as loudly as she could.

- Does anyone own a flashlight, or something to lighten up?- The teacher asked.
- I have my flashlight in my pocket...- I said
- (Y / N), could you lend me? I really need to get out.- The teacher said.
- What's wrong, teacher?- Mia said.
- I need to get water to take my medicine, I have a lot of headache...- A flash of lightning allowed me to see that the teacher was with her left mother in her head.
- Do you want me to get some water for you, teacher?- I offered to help her.
- No need, (Y / N)...- She sighed.
- No teacher, I'll get water, Don'tworry, I'll be careful with the stairs.- I got up from my wallet.
- Ok... But please... Don't delay...- She sat down in her chair.
- Right!- I grabbed my flashlight and left the classroom, turned on the flashlight, and started down the hall.

Silence was what dominated the hallway, not even the sound of the students chatting inside the classrooms, the rain was strong and the lightning flashes down the hallway a few times. But soon the silence was interrupted by voices and malicious laughter coming from upstairs, I walked with a little fear down the hallway, the voices got louder the way I walked, and when my flashlight lit the stairs leading to the third walking, I heard a noise that sounded like someone was rolling down the stairs, I started to shake, and I hesitated to get close, I wanted to run back to the classroom, but then...

- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!- My flashlight lit a body in the middle of the stairs, it was ... My sister... I go to her in despair, she did not breathe, my uniform and my arms got dirty with a dark liquid.

Everything then brightened, the light had returned, I was filthy with blood, my sister was in my arms, at the top of the stairs were some people, my sister's class, they had a tense expression.

- You ... Did you do that ...?- I looked at them.

Soon, the teachers appeared, and several other students too, they took me away from my sister, I struggled because I did not want to stay away from her.

- No! Leave me alone!! I want my sister!!- ...


I woke up sweating, it was night, I was in my cell, it was a little warm. It seems to be very late, it is quiet and dark, just like at school...

- I miss you...- I sighed.

It's been a few days since I got to this place, I've become Billy's and Stu's "friend", it was kind of weird, they were scary every once in a while ... But at other times, they were fun.These days, I was a bit curious about the masked ones of this place, I think I still remember their names ... Among them, the only one I've had contact with until now was Leatherface, or Thomas ... He was from a family of cannibals, his mask is made of human skin, this comes to be scary, but Stu says that he is a child in the body of an adult, And that he is now passive.
The other, Jason, he's quiet, tall, and wears a Hockey mask, I remember he was in the first cell I think ... Billy says he's practically a dead man, he's been through a lot of things, still alive, well ... "alive"...
And there's Michael ... I have a certain fear of him, those two say that from time to time they are also afraid of him, his look can be intimidating, not to mention that like Jason (And maybe half the people of this place), he has brutal strenght, and  he is also very quiet, until Jason manages to be more passive than him.
I wonder what their past is like ... It must have been something very tragic, I should ask Stu and Billy, or maybe all of them directly.

I'm very sleepy, if this chapter is not enough, I can do another chapter later... Hahaha... When I go on vacation, I practically turn an owl, this is very boring because I can't sleep at night, and I get very hungry TuT See ya, I have to sleep... ^^'

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