The Fugitive

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The night was terribly rainy, it was much worse than yesterday, we had put several buckets to stop all the gutters of the house, a bucket was placed in the middle of the corridor to the rooms, everyone had to be careful not to step there.

- My God, the rain is worse than yesterday, sometimes I feel like this house is going to fall!- Chucky said angrily.

- I can not even hear the movie, I do not know what they're talking about!- Billy said.

- At least we have a place to stay after all.- Stu said.

I could hear them talking loudly from the living room, maybe I should have them stop before Freddy got pissed off...!

- Stop yelling your pieces of shit!!- I could hear the door of Freddy's room opening and closing violently, well... I think I said too late.

- Are you feeling better, Thomas?- Thomas nodded slowly, he ended up losing his voice, but I'm sure he'll be better soon.

- I'll ask them to speak lower, so they might end up irritating Mr. Myers.- Hannibal said going toward the door.

- What happened to Michael?- I asked him.

- He just... Need a little time alone, Mr. Myers is going through a difficult time, I loaned him my room.- Hannibal said coming out of the room.

- Is he sick too...?- I said to myself.

We heard another thunder, Thomas hugged me looking a bit scared. 

- Do not worry Thomas, it's just thunder.- I said.

I stayed for a few minutes taking care of Thomas, until then he fell asleep, and I left the room and went towards my room, I saw Norman coming out of his room.

- (Y/N), h-how's Thomas feeling?- Norman asked slightly concerned.

- He's fine, I'm sure he'll get better soon, I guess we do not have to worry ... I just hope no one else gets sick.- I soon entered my room, but before I closed the door, I heard Norman grunt and a strange noise.- ?!

- Oh My God Norman!!- I heard Billy angry.

-  I-I'm sorry!- Norman looked panicked.

I put my head out of my room, and I saw Norman with one of his feet in the bucket full of water that was in the middle of the hall.

- Get your foot out of here before more water gets out of the bucket!- Billy exclaimed, Norman obeyed immediately.


A car passed the dark road, illuminating it with its headlight.

- Is it too long to get there, Carl?- A brown-haired boy asked the man who drove the car, both wearing a police-like outfit.

- We'll probably get here in 3 hours, now stop asking, go sleep at least!- The "Carl" said, he had black hair, and looked very angry.- Thank our boss that you came in the passenger seat and are not driving, at least you can rest in peace without having to be looking at the road all the time!

- My butt hurts sitting on this seat all day, and we do not eat anything either, we have not even seen a gas station until now!!- The brown-haired man said.

- Shut up Alex, I need to keep an eye on the road, unless you want us to have an accident.- Carl said looking forward.- And also, you will not want to wake that beast back there.- He pointed back, not taking his eyes off the road.

- Are you talking about our friend back there? I do not know anything about him, why are we taking him to that sanitarium after all?- This "Alex" said, slightly irritated and impatient.

- The only thing I know is that he was considered as dangerous as the killers who are in that sanitarium, and that he wears a porcelain mask. In addition, he killed his friend when they were children.- Carl said.

- Now I understand...- Alex sighed.- But after all, why did we agree to bring him to this place? If I had known it was so far from isolated like this, I could have denied...

- Just shut up and let me drive, or I'll put you back there with our friend.- Carl grunted, almost losing his patience.

- As you wish...- Alex

The hours passed and Alex eventually fell asleep, but then Carl finally saw the Sanitarium. A smile spread across Carl's exhausted face, muttering to himself, "Finally!" As he silently celebrated.

- Alex, wake up! We arrived!- Carl said shaking his sleeping partner.

- Huh? Already?- Alex murmured a little sleepily.

- Yes! And apparently our friends were waiting for us, the gate is already open!- Carl laughed.

The car entered the sanitarium area, the two men did not notice the rotting corpse of a guard and the blood on the glass of the cabin where he was. The car stopped in front of the door of the sanatorium, which was slightly open, the two men got out of the car in suits that protected them from the rain, they went to the back of the car and opened it, a man was inside, wearing a mask made of porcelain, and he was handcuffed.

- Time to say goodbye friend, do not worry, I'm sure you'll make some friends in that place.- Carl smiled.

- Why are you being so nice to him?- Alex received an angry look from Carl, who turned to him slowly.- All right, all right, I'm not going to say anything else!

- Come on Brahms, get out before you get wet because of the rain, I'll hold an umbrella for you.- Carl said opening an umbrella near the door of the car, and then the masked man finally got out of the car.

The three men entered the building, which was totally dark, you could see almost nothing, only shiny signs indicating some places.

- Why is this place so dark...?- Carl

- Maybe something happened...- Alex

- Impossible, this place has the best security of all! It's not like they've escaped or something...- Carl was getting scared, and Alex was completely confused.

- So what do you think happened? Did they go on vacation and let the madmen walk freely through the sanitarium?- Alex.

- Where the hell are the lights!?- Carl

- Watch our friend, I'll find a way to turn the lights on.- Alex took out his flashlight and turned it on, moving away from the other two men.

- Why am I having a bad feeling about this...?- Carl walked together with the silhouette of Brahms around the place, stopping in a hallway where a sign blinked saying "Cells".

The lights came back, lighting the hallway, leaving Carl with a horrified look, the place was blood-stained, the smell was awful, and there were several decaying bodies.

- W-What the hell happened here...?- Carl.

Carl turned back, but was hit by something and hurled against the wall, it was Brahms.

- B-Brahms...?!- Carl was hit several times by Brahms, until his eyes were completely lifeless, Brahms' hands were blood-soaked.

- Carl! Where are you? We need to get out of here! Those murderers all escaped! They...!- Alex looked horrified at Carl's body on the ground, then at Brahms, who started walking toward him.- Brahms, please stop, listen to me, I ...!

Alex was pressed against the wall, Brahms' hands were on his neck, the grip was very strong, he struggled to get rid of it, but he could not, and soon Alex stopped moving. He searched both bodies for the keys, when he finally freed himself from the shackles, he stopped, staring down at the ground intently.

What to do now?

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