Trouble Part 2

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- What did you find that might be more important than having a good breakfast?- Sayuri said as she got out of her car, watching the small group of police officers blocking a small area.- What happened?

- A murder, Sayuri, a woman was murdered.- One of the men said going toward her.- A woman named Emma Lee Hayes, she had just left a party with some friends, had just left her first day of work, her parents and older brother died when she was 12, she had gone to a camp and did not accompany them on the trip, I must say that now she has joined them.

- I remember this... She ended up going to live with her aunt named Molly, but she started calling her mother.- Sayuri sighed sadly.- I remember that on TV, it was a very brutal murder...

- Emma was strangled to death, she tried to break free, but was unsuccessful.- Another man said.

- Did not find who killed her yet?- Sayuri asked as he approached the small group.

- No.- He said.

- ...- Sayuri closed her eyes, looking thoughtful.- "Were they ...? No ... I should not judge them so fast..."

What is it, Sayuri? You seem distracted... Do you have any idea who did this?- A woman said.

- Huh... No... I was just thinking.- Sayuri said.


- Thank you for your help, Mr Lecter, have a good day.- The old lady said away from the man, smiling.

- No need to thank, Mrs Valerie, have a good day too.- Hannibal said.

- Mr Hannibal.- It was Sayuri.

- Oh, Miss Sayuri... What brought you here?- Hannibal asked.

- I have to ask one thing, do not get me wrong, but you're the only ones with an unusual history...- Hannibal looked confused.- A woman was murdered last night, I'm sorry, but you're my top suspects.

- None of us left last night, not even to kill a woman.- He replied.

- I also do not want to believe one of you has done it, but if it happens again I will be forced to investigate all of you.- Sayuri folded her arms.

- MISS SAYURI!!- A female police officer entered the clinic, she was panting.

- Jane, please do not yell...- Sayuri said.

- The staff received a phone call, apparently a witness who said he saw the moment the woman was killed.- Jane said.- He described the killer as a tall man wearing a white mask.

- ...?!- Hannibal was surprised.

- Are you serious...?- Jane nodded.- ...

The clinic door opened, revealing (Y/N) and Michael holding his arm.

- OH MY GOD!!- Jane

- Jane, please, give us a moment...- Sayuri said.

- O-Okay...- Jane left, scared of the tall man.

- What are you two doing here, has something happened?- Hannibal asked.

- (Y/N), what happened to your wrist?- Sayuri asked.

- It was an accident... Michael seemed out of his mind, I had to use a pocketknife that Stu gave me to defend myself and... I ended up shoving the knife into his arm.- (Y/N) said.

The minutes passed, Hannibal bandaged Michael's arm, he looked different from his usual way.

- Why did he attack you (Y/N)?- Sayuri.

- I do not know, he was breathing heavily, I was worried about him, I thought he was feeling bad, he stared at me for a few seconds before holding my wrist tightly...- (Y/N) said.

- He's going through a difficult time...- Hannibal sighed.- He's trying to control his bloodlust, because of that I tried to distance him from the people until that bloodlust stopped, but it seems like it was not enough...

- Mr. Hannibal, do not you think it was Michael who did that?- Sayuri

- Did what? What are you talking about?- (Y/N) looked extremely confused.

- A murder of a woman occurred last night, a witness described the killer as a tall man wearing a white mask.- Sayuri said.

- What?!- (Y/N)

- It was not me.- Michael said.

- I do not want to believe it either... But it's difficult.- Hannibal said.

- If that happens again, I will not have a choice, so please keep an eye on him, have a good day...- Sayuri left the clinic.


I should have updated that yesterday, but I made a mess and ended up deleting the chapter (I was not even halfway, at least that), but here it is, after all I was able to write "everything".

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