Old instincts never die.

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I walked over to Freddy, who was walking in the hallway with his hand on his back and grunting in pain.

- F-Freddy? Are you okay?- I asked.
- Shit ... That had a lot of strength!- He said.- What the hell was that?
- I think it was ... My sister...- I said.

After that, Hannibal and Norman woke up, they were surprised that Freddy and I were up so early. Norman went to prepare breakfast, while Hannibal examined Freddy.

- So you were thrown against the wall by a black shadow?- Hannibal asked, half suspicious.
- She had bright blue eyes!- Freddy added.
- Can you explain that, (Y/N)?- Hannibal looked at me.
- I think ... That (S/N) sees him as a threat.- I said.
- (S/N) is your sister, right?- He asked.
- Yes.- I nodded my head.
- I see...- Hannibal said.
- ARGH!!- Freddy
- Mr.Krueger, you will end up waking the others.- Hannibal said calmly.

After a few minutes, Norman called us saying that breakfast was ready, he went to wake everyone up. After a few minutes, Norman called us saying that breakfast was ready, he went to wake everyone up. While everyone talked and ate, Jason and Michael were quiet, even Thomas tried to talk to everyone.

- Now we have to decide, how are we going to stay here? We need to get jobs to get money.- Hannibal warned.
- ...- Everyone was silent.
- *Sigh*...- Hannibal.- If we don't solve this, we will starve.

He put us out, and commanded us to walk through the city, I separated from the others, and began to walk through the streets, passing by several people. I passed an old lady, but I felt she was watching me, it made me nervous as I walked down the street, I looked at the shops and houses, everything seemed just a little different, I still recognized even some renovated places, and at the same time, I started to remember...

I remember seeing my sister often being bullied by a group of students of the same class as her, I felt the anger inside me, even though I was younger, I wanted to protect my sister who always protected me...
She was always a good person, she never deserved it ... I didn't understand why she suffered like that! And Mommy was very angry when she discovered this, when Big Sis died, the school did nothing, Mom went crazy...
After that, Mommy started to give MUCH more attention to me, but not in the right way ... I remember she always said I should do justice for Big Sis. She forced me to distance myself from (Best Friend Name), and focus only on "doing justice".
I was very innocent in believing that finally my mother was caring for me, only my father really liked me, I ended up strangely listening to (S / N)'s voice in my head, that was strange, but I felt stronger when I heard the blessed voices.
She took me to other cities, changed my name several times, not only that, but also made me change my appearance, she made me believe that I was doing the right thing, she made me kill a lot of people, with the same goal, and I did, as if I were a miserable puppet.
Sometimes I still feel like I'm being controlled by what looks like "(S/ N)", I just do not have control over my actions sometimes.

I realized I was almost entering the city cemetery, although I didn't want to come in, I couldn't help it. I searched for a while, until I found (Best Friend Name)'s grave.

- I'm sorry ... I didn't want to do that ... Please forgive me...- I said.

After a few minutes, I said goodbye, even though I knew she probably would not hear me, and then I decided to look for the graves of my father and my sister, I found, but...

- ...- I clenched my fists.

Everything was trampled underfoot, dirty and badly cared for, plastered with horrible phrases. They didn't do anything, how could people do this kind of thing?

- I see you've figured out what they did.- It was Sayuri.
- Who made this?- I asked.
- We don't know, (Y / N), there may have been many people, after you and your mother were gone, young people started to do this type of vandalism as a kind of "revenge" for those who died.- Sayuri said.- These teens today are adults, just like you, but I recommend not going after them, my colleagues may not be as good as I am.
- Why are you being so good to us, are you crazy or something?- I looked at her.
- I'm just following my role.- She smiled.
- What the...?- I was confused.
- Someday I'll tell you, I promise.- She left.

This woman is weird...

- Hey! (Y/N)!!- I heard Billy's voice. He and Stu were waving at me.
- I got a job for us, let's go!- Stu said.
- Okay...- I said, beginning to walk to them, but I looked one last time at the graves.- I'll make them pay for what they did, I swear.

They will pay for messing with innocent people...

Innocent Devil  - Slashers x Reader(discontinued for now)Where stories live. Discover now