Just like in the past

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Two months Later...

I was helping Norman make dinner, while the others were in the living room watching TV except for Hannibal, Billy, and Stu, who was not yet home. Hannibal had gotten a job at a clinic some time ago, thanks to Sayuri, he always comes back a little late, but those two... I do not know where they went.

- They are saying that the next few days will be quite rainy, we should be careful if there is any gutter here.- I said while cutting some vegetables, Norman was stirring the pots, I can tell that the smell was very good.

- Y-You are right (Y/N), and you too should be careful not to get sick, s-since you are almost always outside.- Norman smiled.

- Thank you for your concern, Norman.- I smiled back. We heard a grunt coming from the kitchen door, it was Thomas.- Oh, Thomas.

- D-Dinner...?- Thomas said in a hoarse, low voice.

- It's almost ready, but ... What happened to your voice? Are you sick?- I walked toward him, he seemed to be quite confused.

- M-My... Throat... H-Hurts...- Thomas whispered.

- I'll call Hannibal, maybe he can help...- Norman said.

- No need, I can call him myself, Thomas try not to talk too much, okay? This may end up getting worse.- He nodded, and left the kitchen, I picked up the phone and called Hannibal, he said he would get a medicine but gave some advice as well.

A few minutes passed, and then dinner was ready, everyone gathered to eat, it was delicious, Chucky was sitting on the couch, just watching, soon after, I took Thomas to his room so he could rest.

- Good night, Thomas.- I smiled.

I then prepared to leave the room and let it rest, when a thunder frightened me, the rain began to fall outside. Maybe I should check if there is no gutter here... The front door opened, revealing Billy and Stu soaked, they did not look very happy.

- What happened to you two? You look worse than Freddy when he's in a bad mood.- Chucky laughed out loud.

- Shut up...- Billy growled and headed toward his room.

- A truck threw water at us, let's just say Billy is furious now, haha...- Stu said.

- Oh I see.- I'd be a little annoyed if that happened to me...

- Norman went to his room, Jason is sleeping on the couch and Michael is ... Well, I do not know where that guy is.- Chucky said.

- I hope he has not gone outside...- I said.


Michael was watching the rain, his breathing was heavy, his body was extremely tense, he watched people running with umbrellas outside, in a hurry to get to their homes, he was having the same feeling of years ago, the same feeling he can not control ... The desire to kill people.

- Are you feeling all right, Mr. Myers?- Michael's gaze moved toward the door, watching Hannibal calmly enter the house.- I realized that you are the only one who still awake.

- That feeling is coming back...- Michael sighed.- And I do not think I can handle it this time.

- I see ... We'll have to find a solution for this, but put up with it as much as we can, we can not kill people here or we'll have problems later.- Hannibal said.- Go rest now, Mr. Myers.

Hannibal headed toward the bedrooms, but Michael continued to watch the outside for some time.


I know it took me a long time, the school gave me only 1 week of vacation, and I came back under pressure, but do not worry, I will not stop writing the story ^^ But how I want to write something good, sometimes my creativity delay to come ... Hahaha ... Oh, for who recommended Brahms Heelshire, today I'll decide if I'm going to put him in this story, thanks for the recommendation ^^ Sorry for the short chapter, I still have to go to school in 1 hour.

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