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I woke up to the sound of my cell being unlocked, it was those two idiots, they're releasing us early today, how strange... Wait...!
They started laughing, and they went into my cell, it was already starting to scare me...

- W-What are you doing?- I said, scared.
- You will come with us girl, hehe...- They laughed.
- LET ME GO!- I screamed, when they grabbed me and handcuffed me, they started loading me out of the cell, I tried to break free, but it seemed to get harder every time I tried...
- (Y/N)!!- I heard Billy's voice.
- What the hell?!- It was Stu
- (Y/N)!- Norman's voice.
- ARGH!!!- I was wasting my strength to get rid of them.
- Stop hampering our work, you bitch!- One of them said.
- Hey Steve, should I knock her out?- The other said.
- Of course, so maybe she can be quiet- This Steve said.
- NO!!- I screamed again trying to free myself.
- Get your hands off her bastards!- I heard Billy knock on the door of his cell.

I also saw that Jason and Thomas also started doing the same thing, everyone's expression was one of anger and anguish. The doors were extremely sturdy, I was in trouble...

Big sis... Help... Me...


- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!- (Y/N)'s scream echoed down the hallway, it was terrifying.
- What?!- The two guards were frightened.
- Let... Me... GO!!- Her voice was strange, and she began to turn violent with tremendous force, knocking down one of the guards, who was thrown violently against the wall, becoming unconscious.
- Oh my god...- The guard was frightened, paralyzed.
- Are you afraid...?- She was scouring the body of the other guard.
- S-Stay away from me!- He spoke stuttering.
- ...- (Y / N) got up, and started walking towards the guard.
- S-Stay away!- He said again.

(Y/N) didn't stop, though. Continuing to walk toward him, the guard took his weapon, and desperately fired at her, but to no avail. 

- ?!- The guard was confused, but fired again, she swerved.

She then stepped on it, with a knife she'd gotten from the other body, and attacked him rather violently until she was sure the man was no longer alive.

- (Y/N)...?- Stu said.


- Stu...?- I said, confused.- W-What happened?
- You don't remember?- Billy said.
- No...!!- An extremely loud and irritating sound began to echo down the hallway, a kind of alarm was activated. I started to look in all directions, confused, and realized that there was a bunch of keys, they were MANY keys,  in the body of the guard. Eek!- This is...!

How irresponsible of them to entrust such a bunch of keys into the hands of these two idiots.

- Billy, take it.- I gave him the bunch of keys for him, as soon as he saw it, his expression rather surprised, now he had a smile.
- It seems like today is going to be a great day, hehe...- Billy laughed.
- Hurry up.- I said.

In a few minutes, several other guards entered the corridor, and they came toward me, I managed to hurt some of them, but I could not handle them all, and soon they managed to hold me.

- Urgh...!- I could not let go.
- Do not worry, (Y / N), we'll put you back in the cell, we will not do anything else.- One of them said.

- I would not count on it.- Billy said.

Billy and Stu, were out of their cells.

- What?!- Billy and Stu helped me.
- We're a little tired of this place, sorry, sir.- Stu smiled.
- We're getting out of here.- Billy said.

We managed to kill all the guards, the hallway was full of blood, and bodies.

- Finally...- Billy said.
- Ahem.- It was Freddy.- Could you brats ... I don't know, UNLOCK OUR CELLS ?!
- As you wish, Krueger.- Stu said.

They used the keys to free everyone, and we headed toward the exit of this place, I realized that Stu had disappeared, but soon appeared again, and this one Chucky jumped in its back.

- You took too long, huh? I wish I had participated in the "party", it must have been fun.- Chucky said.
- You've lost the best part.- Freddy said.

We ended up in a sort of garage, with some huge buses, it was weird.

- Let's get one of them and get the hell out of here.- Freddy said.
- I hate being rude, but does at least one of you know at least how to drive a bus?- Hannibal said.

Everyone was sillent.

- I'll drive.- Michael said.
- What?!- Everyone said.
- I was able to drive a truck without having experience.- Michael said.

On a wall bracket, there were several keys, he picked one up randomly, and then headed to one of the buses, to which the key "released", he got on the bus.

- Let's hope we get out of this alive.- Stu said.

Everyone got on the bus, and Michael soon made the bus work, and we left, it was nice to finally feel the wind on my face again after all this time.

- I-I think we have a problem.- Norman.

Norman pointed to the grille gate, which was fenced and there was a small cabin nearby, there was a man inside.

- I'll take care of it.- Chucky said.

I gave him the knife I got for him, Chucky jumped off the bus, and got inside the cabin, we could only see the blood spreading on the glass, and the gate opened, he soon left, and Norman helped him on the bus, even if he refused his help.

- Finally... Freedom!- Billy screamed.
- Mr. Loomis, we're still not technically free, you know.- Hannibal said.
- Why...?- I said.
- Some time the authorities will know that we have escaped and will probably come after us.- Hannibal.

- ...- He's right...
- And we still do not have a destination to go to, one hour the gas will run out.- Hannibal said.
- I think...- I said.

The city to which I grew up, was very isolated in relation to the big cities, I still remember the location, maybe it could be useful...

- Did you say something, Miss (Y/N)?- Hannibal.
- I think we could go to my hometown, it's a rather quiet and isolated town, I think maybe we can go there.- I said.
- Hm...- Hannibal.- Okay, maybe it's a good idea. You can tell Michael the location of the city.
- Ok...- I said.

I just hope she's not there...

Sorry for the delay, these days happened many things: tests, I staying in my days and I got sick because of the rain almost daily here, and not to mention that I did not know, well ... I did not know if I put this chapter yet , but I decided to put it, I'm sorry if it's not right, I'll try to do better things ^^ '

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