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- So what's his problem?- Sayuri asked.- Do you have any explanation for him doing that?

- I must say that he was confused, the boy always says the name "Greta", I think he had some problem with this woman, and now every time he looks at any woman he can only see her.- The man said, looking thoughtful.- And also, he appears to have the characteristics of a sociopath.

- I see...- Sayuri sighed, watching the movement in the hall, several people walking there.- I wonder if they could calm him down, it would be a shame if more people got hurt.

- Do not worry sheriff, we are highly trained to deal with this type of situation.- He spoke confidently, Sayuri gave him a doubtful look.

After a few minutes there were loud noises and people shouting from one of the rooms. Several nurses ran desperately down the corridor, the other people passing by were confused, wondering what was going on there.

- You seem to have spoken too soon, Doctor.- Sayuri walked into the bedroom, watching some men trying to calm the boy, but apparently it was not working.- Do you need help?

- Of course not, Sheriff, it's all under control!- One of the men said.

- It's not what it's looking like.- Sayuri folded her arms. Brahms suddenly grabbed one of the men by the throat, and began strangling him.

- Now!!- The men managed to use a tranquilizer on Brahms, it was not long before the boy was sleeping soundly on the bed.- Finally...

- Brahms is really giving a lot of work.- Sayuri looked back, seeing Hannibal coming toward her.- I did not expect that they would calm him down before I arrived, it would not be a surprise to find someone dead or fatally injured because of him.

- They had to use a tranquilizer to calm him down, but he almost strangled one of the doctors to death.- Sayuri said looking at Brahms, and turning to Hannibal again.- But what about (Y/N)? Did she finally wake up?

- I got a call from Norman earlier, she's already woken up and she's fine, she's just feeling a slight headache.- Sayuri smiled.- What did you find about Brahms?

- I found this record when I went with my assistant to the sanitarium, the two guards who brought Brahms were dead, no surprise.- Sayuri handed the paper to Hannibal, who carefully studied everything that was written there.

- Dr. Herman said that Brahms has the characteristics of a sociopath, he apparently had trouble with a woman named Greta, and now it seems he sees this "Greta" in all the women who appear to him. Maybe it's a kind of trauma?- Sayuri said, but not having full confidence in her voice.

- Here it says he has the habit of sometimes speaking with the voice of a child, his parents are dead, suicide for what it seems.- Hannibal said.

- He does not look very different from you.- Sayuri laughed weakly.- Maybe you should take him with you.

- I'm not so sure, I must remember that he and Michael almost killed each other, and he might end up attacking (Y / N) again.- Hannibal warned, remembering the scene.


Sayuri came up to (Y / N), people crowding in the street, watching a fight between a masked man and Michael, blood spreading across the floor, meanwhile, Billy, Stu and Norman were holding (Y / N ), she was apparently fainting.

- What the hell?!- Sayuri started to run to them.- What is going on?!

- I-I don't know, I just heard the noise and came to see what's happening...- Norman said.

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