The Party Scene

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Alex's POV:

I yawned and kissed Marina's head. She hadn't been feeling well for the past few days. She caught a bug, most likely back in Seattle, and had run a fever all week. This obviously wasn't my first time taking care of her when she was sick, but I could tell she hated being cooped up inside. I guess it didn't matter anyway; the west coast was experiencing major storms. 

I crawled out of bed, which was her bus today. It normally was, seeing as it was cleaner, and I wasn't too keen on her leaving for any reason. I stumbled to the front lounge. It was empty, only leaving a few lights on. It must've been Kianna, going out to see Tony early. I started the kerig, putting some of my hazelnut coffee inside. I wondered what to make for breakfast. Marina hadn't had much of an appetite lately. I decided that a bowl of warm, apple cinnamon oatmeal might just get her to feel better. I was so happy that she stocked up before we left; otherwise, I'd have no idea where to get it.

I dumped it into one of the cute bowls she had, then filled it with coconut milk and put it in the microwave. She had been gushing lately about how many nutrients coconut milk had. My coffee dripped its last bits, so I popped in one for her. No, not coffee. Chai tea. That might help.

I got another bowl for myself, and poured some of her milk in it, then my cereal. All she had was cheerios and corn chex. I stuck with the cheerios.

Warped tour was such a unique time for the bands. There were so many things going on to keep people occupied that hardly anyone stuck around the bus. No one bought food because it was in such abundance with catering. No one watched tv, or bought medicine, or other little things we normally did because the people on Warped took such great care of you. I loved it.

Marina waddled out to the couch, and sat. "Morning, baby."

"Morning, sunshine." I took the oatmeal from the microwave and handed her tea. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like shit. I swear, it just keeps getting worse and worse." She whined.

To be honestly, during the entire three years we've known each other, this is only her third time being sick (an illness that wasn't trauma induced). I could care less that she was so complainy. Really, though, she just tended to cry and eat ice cream.

I saw her day sheet on the table. "Great. You don't play until 7:45. I play at seven. That means you have plenty of time to relax."

"Thank god. What time is it now?"

"It's only eight." I checked my phone. Matt texted me my scheduel. I went to the Baltimore Sun website, to see if there was any news on my hometown. Nothing. I set down my phone again, then took a spoonful of cheerios. "What do you want to do today?"

"Relax, eat more soup. Skip every and all interview I have." She laughed.

I took the knit blanket from the back of the couch and spread it over her. "I'd love to watch a movie with you, but I feel like we've already seen everything."

"We haven't seen Dirty Dancing in a-" She paused, then got a text. "Oh, jesus christ. The 1D guys are in the area. I really don't feel like saying hi."

"I'll hide with you, wherever you are." I gagged a little. The dudes were all sweet, decent guys, except for Louis. God knows what kind of trouble he may start.

I was particularly worried because Colby and Louis got along, ahem, really well. And now that she and Luke had been split for a few days, what might he do? He was so slimey. I was not looking forward to the day, to say the least.

 "I miss the feeling of your lips pressed to mine." She extended her hand.

"I know you do, but you'll get better soon." I rubbed the back of her thumb with mine. "Your nail polish is chipping off."

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