Merry Christmas (Kiss My Ass)

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Okay, so drama update with the asshole(11/04): We haven't talked at all since, but I went to a party on Saturday, and realized that one of my friend's had been used by the asshole's newfound girlfriend. So we went on a double date thingy yesterday and ended up snuggling in our friend's car (there is a much funnier story that goes along with this) and ended up staying over that friend's house and like fucking made out all that night and this morning. And, I got the girlfriend title. By reccomendation of that other friend (who's car and house we hung out in), I decided to take it slow with this guy and wait at least a month before crossing over to second base, or anywhere beyond. I'm definitely going to have trouble keeping my pants on, but it's all for the best.


Marina's POV:

"Rina, I need you to come over quick." Colby practically yelled through the phone.

"What's wrong? Where are you?" I asked frantically, shoving my laundry into the basket.

"I'm at my apartment. It's not that urgent but I have to talk to someone." She replied. "And you're obviously the first one I thought to call."

"Oh, well I'm like three blocks away. I'll be there in five minutes." I said, hoping the holiday traffic may permit it. Christmas had been coming sooner and sooner every year.

I left the laudromat and headed to my car, which was parallel parked in downtown Baltimore. I had been Christmas shopping today, and figured I might as well do the laundry while I was down there. The washer broke recently. Merry fucking Christmas to me.

It was only the sixteenth, but I was still overwhelmed. Colby had moved in with Jack the day after she came back to Bmore. Jack was a complete pig and she always called on me when she needed something. It's not that I didn't want to help, because I love Colby and I love the satisfaction of getting her on her feet, but moreso that I didn't have time for that. I got a loan from the bank, which was substantially more than enough, and did all Alex and I's Christmas shopping and decorating. I also was in the middle of schedueling my band's tour dates because Matt was busy, Kianna and Em are both pregnant and preoccupied, and Colby didn't have her shit together. Not to mention that I was the primary consultant for our lawyer for the Michelle lawsuit. Honestly, I just didn't have time to be pulling someone else's life before mine, unless it was Alex.

I got stuck in traffic, wishing I had just walked. The apartment parking was really shitty, and I ended up parking somewhere illegally. A parking ticket was worth the trouble at this point. I trudged up the stairs in my muddy boots to the now Colby & Jack crib. The door opened, and a whiff of ass crept up my nose. Jack was not very hygenic.

"Marina! Come in, I have to tell you about the text I just got." She said. She was flustered, not nessicarily happy or sad.

I walked in. "What happened?"

"You might wanna sit down for this." She plopped on the couch. I landed beside her, silent. I was debating how to react. "So, you know that I'm sick of living here, with Jack, in Baltimore, right?"

"I mean, you complain about it all the time." I laughed.

"Well, I've been looking at other options in other areas for a while, and I haven't really told you yet, but I've been texting an old friend quite a bit lately. Only Jack knows, but I don't want you to freak out."

"Who?" I said, a sudden sharpness in my voice.

"Well, I kinda flipped out today when Jack left his dirty boxers on the counter, and I texted this person about it. They said they've discussed it with their roomates, and they want me to move in with them." She rubbed her arm, almost conflicted.

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