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Marina's POV:

I stood to follow. "Wait! Luke! Don't go out there!"

Alex stood behind me.

"You stay here. I've got this." I started walking out.

He followed. "I'm not letting you go out in the storm alone."

We ran out together, in the direction we saw Luke headed. Oh, god. He must've went outside. We peeked out the door, then saw a figure standing there, getting soaked. It was Luke.

"Luke!" I called to him.

"What do you two care?" He spat, walking away from us.

"You're one of our best friends! We love you!" Alex said, catching up to him.

"Oh, fuck off. If you were my real friends, you would've never told me." He crossed his arms.

"But we had to! You deserve to know. I mean, they all told me when he did it." I pointed to Alex.

"And nobody told me when she did, and it broke me." Alex said.

"Luke!" Colby came running up to us.

"Oh, fuck off! You're a sour bitch, and I want nothing to do with you anymore." He hissed.

"Luke, it's not what you think!" She begged. "Please, come inside."

It was starting to get very cold. Alex pulled me in with both arms, but still so we were facing them.

"I'm not going anywhere near you! You're evil! We had this stupid little breakup, that we knew was nothing but a hiccup, and you immediately went out to find a fuck buddy, only to spite me!" He yelled.

So the breakup wasn't even serious? I had a hard time keeping up.

"It's my way of moving on! You wanted out, so that gave me the green light!" She shouted back.

"But I still loved you, and you knew it! I said I was tired of your bullshit, but I never told you to walk away! But you did! And you emasculated me in every way!" He started to cry a little.

"I fucking loved you, but I went through hell and back just to hold onto you! We're never gonna be like them!" She pointed to Alex and I. "We're not best friends, and partners, and each other's everything! We're just fucking kids! And I'm so sorry that I can never give you that!"

Luke looked down for a moment. "That's not what I wanted. That's never what I wanted."

"Well I tried so fucking hard to give it to you." She stood more innocently.

"All I wanted was you. And you tried too hard." He paused. "What do you want? I'll do anything to make this better."

She looked at the ground. "I don't know. I just don't."

His face regained it's hateful pose. "Wait a second! That's not what I wanted, you selfish twat! It's what you wanted! You tried so fucking hard to emmulate someone else's relationship that you couldn't let us just build our own! Fuck you! FUCK YOU!"

Colby ran back to the building, crying. She was trying to supress her tears, but it wasn't working at all. She cried a little harder.

Luke stayed still. 

I escaped Alex's hold, although I never wanted to. "Luke-"

"No. You guys, you just..." His voice trailed.

"At least come back inside." Alex instructed.

He nodded, and we all headed back in together.


Somewhere In Neverland (Sequel to Oh, Calamity)Where stories live. Discover now