Running From Lions

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Listen to the song when indicated. It's not time yet in the story.


Marina's POV:

"This. This is just what I needed." I mumbled, waltzing out of my bus and into the driveway. Birds chirped. Some high, some low, and some visible. The morning dew still sparkled on the grass. The sun was rising in the east, just over the flourishing trees. Flowers bloomed. Rich colors were occupying vision, and along with the sweet smell of the warm wind and bubbling sound of the lake, my senses were overtaken. How perfect it was to be back at the lake again.

Alex walked in behind me, taking everything through the cellar. The other guys and girls joined us. Today was only for us two bands, and no one else. It was the one day I'd been looking forward to more than any day in the entire tour. The day I'd get to spend summer the perfect way.

"This place is so damn beautiful." He mumbled.

I opened the door, letting everyone in. "God, I can't wait to go on the paddleboat!" Jack exclaimed, heading up the cellar stairs.

"I know. I'll join you!" I said.

"Kay." He called back. "Memere!" I heard him say.

Everyone would be staying in the same rooms as last time. It was funny how it seemed like nothing changed, yet everything was different. Two years does so much to a person.

Memere trotted down the stairs with her short little body. "Marina!"

"Memere!" I hugged her.

"What's this?" She took my hand.

"Did no one tell you? I'm engaged!" I squealed. Daddy must've kept it as a suprise. He obviously already knew because Alex asked for his permission before he even bought the ring.

"You're growing up so fast! Now all of my grandkids will be married." She said.

"No, Memere. You still have two more." I corrected.

"Well, I meant all your father's kids." She chuckled. "When are you planning on having the wedding?"

"Spring." Alex said. "In Baltimore. Are you coming?"

"Oh, Alex! I've missed you!" She gave him a big hug. "And I'd love to."

"I missed you too! And especially your potato salad." He laughed.

"Speaking of lunch, what were you planning on having?" She asked.

"Rack of ribs, and then fire roasted hot dogs for dinner." I explained. "You did renew your fire license, right?"

"You don't need one for our tiny pit." Memere walked outside.

Jack came running down the stairs. "What's the first thing we're gonna do?"

"We could Kayak all the way to the beach." I said.

"That's all the way on the other side of the lake, though." He stated.

"Relax. It's only, like, a mile." I dismissed.

"Yeah, but the current going there will be a little strong."

"What else do you suppose we do?" I set my hands on my hips.

"It's not too early to take the paddle boat out." Alex suggested.

"Right." I replied.

We went into the boathouse, the boys grabbing oversized life jackets, and myself grabbing the tiny purple one I'd had since childhood. It still fit like a glove. We hurried on outside, where the paddleboat was already set in the water, tied to the dock with only a purple rope. My brother must've used it when he, Ella, and the baby came up last week. They had a boy and named him Charlie John Hudson. I thought that was fantastic.

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