Unfortunate Authors Note

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This sucks major monkey balls, but my computer screen broke today. In fact, the whole fucking computer has gone to shit. Why does this suck, you kay ask? Well I hate writing on my ipod. and I don't get another computer until after the hollidays. I will definitely be putting aside some time to write for you, but it'll have more errors and be a little less long. And updates will come much less regularly.
Aside from that, my life is going better than it has since last February. I went Black Friday shopping last night/this morning and got 85% of my holiday shopping done. In the car, I finally got over "the asshole". I realized that he is surrounded by people who don't sincerely care about his success, and I am the only one who does. We set our differences aside and are becoming close friends again. I'm so secure in my current relationship that I'm not concerned about any kind of temptation. My mind is cleared and thoughts are all headed in a positive direction, leading me to focus on fan fiction.
In other news, I can't sleep because I'm going to Baltimore tomorrow, and reality still hasn't fully kicked in. My favorite place in the entire world us about to become my home for two days. The entire backdrop to my fan fic is being set directly in front of my eyes. I don't know how to feel.
Question: Do you have one person that every time you see them, you like them more? If so, who is it? I'll add to my chapter as soon as I get back from Baltimore. Aight. -LoryXD

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