Chapter 21

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Luke's POV

I fixed the cuffs of my ringed sweater, "get up Kelsey!" I pulled at her legs and groaned when she didn't move a single body part. The curtains had been open and I had ripped off the blankets and everything. I pulled Kelsey's legs and she just groaned. "Oi, baby get up. You don't want to be eating whilst I'm shooting. It's pretty hectic there." I muttered. "I'm already late because of you." I sighed at the sleeping beauty, who didn't even bother to move a single muscle. I rolled my eyes and picked her up, carrying her bridal style.

"Luke!" She squeaked loudly, her eyes flying open.

"Good morning princess." I smirked, staring down at her flustered face.

"Morning Luke." Kelsey mumbled, digging her face into my sweater.

"Awh baby, is it too early ma chérie?" Kelsey nodded, holding onto my sweater. "Well that's all too bad as you do have to get up." I dropped her onto her feet slowly and she huffed in annoyance.

"What time is it?" She questioned groggily.

"8 maybe?"

"You're insane."

"Now, let's not throw compliments around so early yeh? I'm awfully flattered but, your cute ass better be ready by half past. I'll be waiting in the dining room, a maid should be with you shortly to show you the way." She nodded slowly and I nodded along with her, leaving her in my bathroom and making my way to the dining room.

I sat at the dining table, with a newspaper in hand and my eyes scanning over the French news. "'ere you go mademoiselle." I folded the paper neatly and smiled softly at her.

"Why do you have eggs on display?"

I laughed at her absurd question, "Fabergé eggs are jewelled eggs, created long long ago and well they're very expensive."

"Expensive eggs." Kelsey's eyes widened, "must be eggcelent to have them."

"I cannot believe you." I laughed once again and she beamed. I bit into my bread as Kelsey took whatever she pleased to eat.

"When do we decorate the big tree?"

"Whenever you want."

"Can we do it today?" Kelsey's eyes were pleading and wide, making me weak at my knees even though I was sitting. Honestly, my legs probably just lost all feeling and I'm surprised if they work after she looked at me like that.

"Of course." I forced a smile.



"Why do you look like you're in pain?"

"I do?" Shit. Shit. She knows. Mayday. I then let out a laugh and she quirked an eyebrow in confusion.

"Monsieur Brooks, monsieur Xavier is here and setting his crew up." I nodded quickly, wiping my mouth and nodding at the butler.

"I'm finished-"

"Oh no baby don't rush." I shook my head.

"I'm done Luke." Kelsey rolled her eyes with a laugh, "I just want to see how you do all of it. I'm interested."

"You just want to watch me." I grinned and Kelsey's cheeks reddened.


"Ma chérie, I know I'm a beautiful sight you don't have to be embarrassed."

"You're so vain."

"But do you what's even better than me?"


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