Gone ~ Team Arrow

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"What the hell happened out there?!" Felicity asked rushing towards the elevator where the broken and bruised team walked in short a member.

"She's gone..." Rene whispered collapsing to the ground, his gun sliding across the floor. "Y/N... they killed her."

Felicity gasped in shock bringing her hands up to cover her mouth as tears welled in her eyes. The team sat in silence, Oliver staring off into the distance with red eyes, while Felicity leaned into his side to cry. Rene lay still on the ground with his eyes closed hoping that when he opened them you'd banging on the bathroom door telling him to hurry up just one more time.

No one dared to move or speak when Oliver stood up and determinedly made a move for his weapon, instead Rene rose to his feet his eyes swollen and red partially from crying and partially from getting his ass handed to him by Adrian Chase.


"Damnit Ollie! He's everywhere!" You whisper yelled into your mic as you took cover from Prometheus' barrage of arrows.

"I think he may have met some Anti Green Arrow friends, there is no way he's doing this alone." Oliver's voice came from beside you rather than through the ear piece as you expected.

Looking over you saw him rolling for cover behind the same cargo box as you.

"Rene, where are you?!" You called into the comms as you reached into your quiver for an explosive Arrow.

"I'm on the South Port. Turns out you guys are right, he brought some friends."

As if on cue gunshots could be heard ricocheting off the crates you were hiding behind, you quickly check the ammo on the gun you keep handy.

"Run." you whisper to Oliver who is confused but you don't give him time to think as you rush out in to the line of fire, shooting your gun in any direction you heard a target in.

Oliver followed your instructions and took off towards the port Rene was holed up in so that the pair could regroup, and come up with a new plan.

You gasp as a bullet tears through your arm but you don't let it stop you as you continue firing your gun, moving closer to Adrian Chase who was never faltering as your bullets hit his vest harmlessly. You weren't trying to kill him that was something for Oliver to do you just wanted him to be distracted as you walked closer to him.

"Y/N... i got to say i'm impressed," he smirked and was quick to snatch your gun, disarming it and tossed it away, "the man in charge himself hasn't grown the balls to face me."

You smiled softly at that, it was funny hearing a man with no courage talk about having balls. You stare at Chase your eyes never leaving his at you wait patiently for your team to come, you knew they were going to be hear, once they'd come up with a plan to get all of you out safely. You believed in them.

"Chase, you said you were doing this for your dad... but what has he done for you?" You asked as his eyes began to wonder off of you.

You try to muffle the gasp of pain that comes from the bullet wound in your arm, and you try to redirect his wondering eyes to your own, "I mean your father was nothing but a coward."

This grabs his attention and he takes three long steps to close the distance between you, his hand gripping your wounded one with strength you couldn't help but to let out a loud scream.

"Don't speak on my fathers name," he grips gets tighter and you feel your vision spotting, his hold on your arm pushing the bullet deeper, "Ever."

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