Try ~ Oliver Queen

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Full Length to the drabble: "if you cared about me you wouldn't do this" with Oliver

I tried to copy the scene exactly bur Ra's talks so damn much i gave up.

Warning: angst and suicide (attempts?)


"Oliver," you whimpered as he headed out the bedroom door to fight Ra's Al Ghul, "please you don't have to do this."

"Yes I do, Y/N. It's the only way to stop him," he huffed, walking towards the front door but you quickly stop him, wrapping your arms around his waist and lying your face on his bare chest.

"Please." you sigh in content when he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close enough that you could hear his heart beat.

"I love you," he muttered nuzzling his nose into your hair and placing a kiss on your hair line.

"If you cared about me, you wouldn't do this." you suddenly felt angry that he was leaving and you pulled apart from the hug, immediately missing the warmth his body provided, "but, if you must go, i'm going too."

He didn't object as you pulled on your shoes and one of his hoodies instead he waited for you and held your hand as you walked out together. The two of you walk out of the apartment building and into the cool morning/night mist. It was 3:30am and most of Star City was fast asleep except for the shady people loitering around the back alleys of your apartment in the Glades.

The walk was silent at first the sounds that could be heard was the occasional police siren and the sound of you and Oliver's footsteps echoing in the empty streets, until Ollie broke the silence.

"Listen, if I don't come back-"

"You're going to, Oliver you have to," you interject immediately. knowing exactly where he was going with this, grabbing his hand to stop him from walking.

"Y/N... if I don't just know I love you, only you none of that Felicity shit you've been on lately, it's just you, baby," those three words echo through your head and the gravity of your predicament finally settled in.

He could die.

Oliver Queen, billionaire since birth, mayor of Star City, the Arrow, the only reason you woke up in the morning most days, the love of your life could die. And it was like with those three words you broke.

All of your resolve and will to stay strong crumbled down with those three words. You broke down crying Oliver's arms enveloping you, the second a tear drops from your eye, and your arms wrap around him your hands making fists around the fabric of his grey hoodie.

"P-please don't die."

"I'll try, babygirl, I'll try." He tightened his grip on you before loosening it completely, holding you out at arms length, examining your pouting figure. He cupped your face in his hands, you still pouting and looking up at him through your eyelashes,"just... don't forget what I said, okay?"

A few hours later, the sun is slowly rising on to the horizon, you and Oliver having finally made it to the top of the mountain in time for his challenge versus Ra's, Nyssa Al Ghul stood next to her father silently, watching Oliver remove his top jacket and passed it over to the League assassin.

"Good Luck," you whispered in his ear placing a lingering kiss on his mouth, you're about to pull away when his hands fly to your waist holding you in place while he deepens the kiss and you allow him, your hands making their way to his neck, pulling him as close as possible. The two of you only pulling apart when the assassin clears his throat. You whimper at the loss of contact but allow the man to escort you to the sidelines. You watch Oliver longingly, and he winks cheekily and smile softly.

He's yours. All yours and how the hell you got so lucky you don't know.

Once he notices you're safe his face hardens as he removes the rest of his tops, the assassin leans froward to whisper something in Oliver's ear, all you managed to catch was "choose you weapon". He walks over to a portable wooden wall lined with all sorts of swords, katanas and blades, he grabs two identical short blades.

"I was 11 years old when I killed my first man," Ra's starts making you pull your eyes away from your boyfriend and over to him, his back facing you and he stares over the mountain side taking in the beautiful scenery you hadn't bothered to glance at, "I remember the look on his face when the light went out behind his eyes, Such a subtle change," Nyssa removes her fathers dark cloak," almost imperceptible, between life and death. I'd felt ashamed that. I had stolen from that man the most precious gift of all, life," You could see where he was going with his little speech and it only just made you realise how cold it was and sent a shiver down your spine,"but I also felt something else... pride, because i had taken up someone who who sough to do ill against my family" he removes his watch next, passing it to Nyssa,"and I realised what I had to do was necessary," he shrugs off his last coat and finally turns around to face his opponent," you see I have to replace evil, with death , that is what the league exists to do. I have killed thousands more men since then, and the world is better off for it-"

"You've taken your last life," Oliver interrupts, his voice raspy from it being so cold and you had to press your legs together and bite your lip to hide your arousal despite the situation.

"You have lived your last day," Ra's counters getting in a crouched fighting stance.

Oliver's face is hard as he steps closer and with a sickening crack Ra's punching Oliver in the ribs making you gasp and put your hands over your mouth. He falls to the ground and is quick to get up and swing again, missing and with another successful blow from Ra's flying back on the ground.

The battle raves on and Oliver is slowly backing Ra's to the edge on the mountain top, his only wound being a small gasp on his wrist and his fractured ribs, while Ra's is in perfect shape. Unitl suddenly Ra's sword is at Olivers throat and you gasp, tear pricking your eyes as Oliver is forced to the edge of the mountain.

You let out a toe curling scream as Ra's Al Ghul plunged his sword in Oliver s=chest and kicks hims over the side of the mountain.

You lose control of your legs and before you know your sprinting towards the wall of weapon grabbing the katana you were eyeing earlier and running where Ra's stood you drive you drive the katana through his back before he has a chance to fight back and with a heavy heart and fresh hot tears you throw your self off the edge of the mountain, after the love of your life.

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