Samsie Twins-Sunshine

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"Wahhh!" A baby cried throughout the house. It was 2 in the morning and Sammy and Susie had to work in five hours. The married couple groaned and turned away from each other.

"Sammy! Check on the baby!" Susie groaned.

Sammy growled and looked at his wife. "I did it last night. Its your turn." He groaned.

Susie growled back at Sammy, and he took that as a sign that Susie is tired then he was. He got up and navigated his way through the dark hallway till he got to the twin's nursery. Sammy saw the youngest twin; Stanley was asleep soundly, not being awoken by his brother's cries.

"Hey. Hey" Sammy shushed Stephen holding him close. Stephen kept on crying, and Sammy had to rush to find what he needs.

Despite being a bad cook, Sammy was the best at warming up his son's milk bottle. "There. It's done!" Sammy said grabbing the bottle. He gave it to Stephen, but the baby just pushed it away. "You weren't hungry?" Sammy asked. This was getting ridiculous he made his son's milk for no reason.

Sammy went to the bathroom to check if his son had a dirty dipper, but it was clean. All Sammy could do was go on the rocking chair and held Stephen till he stopped crying. Taking a moment to take a few deep breaths and trying to prevent from sleeping, he remembered a song his mother used to sing when he was young.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away

Stephen stopped crying and cooed. Sammy smiled and sighed and kissed his son's forehead. Sammy sang the song one more time, and saw Stephen awake and looked at his father with big eyes.

Sammy chuckled. "Come on Stephen. Let's get some sleep." He took Stephen back to the nursery, still surprised Stanley is asleep from all that, and put Stephen back on his crib.

"Baa." Stephen cooed. Sammy smiled and faced his son.

"Sorry Stephen, but daddy has work in the morning. I'll sing to you in the morning." Sammy noted. Stephen cooed once more and poked at Sammy's nose. "Are you into music like me?" He asked. Stephen giggled, making his dad smile. "Don't worry Stephen Lawrence, one day I'll teach you everything about music. I promise." Sammy carried Stephen once more and laid him down in his crib. "I love you." Sammy gave his son one more kiss, shut off the lights and went back to bed.

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