SOL AU- Photographic Memories

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It was a cold, rainy day. The toons looked out the window sighing as the rain poured down. They planned on going to the park with their friends today, but once they saw the rain earlier during breakfast the plans got cancelled. Alice even recommended playing indoors today, but despite living in the neighborhood the kids lived blocks away. They we're fine with it and decided the toons could play with each other, but they've played the same games over and over again it was getting boring.

Henry watched the toons through the kitchen. He was reading a book listening to the radio for some music. Linda came downstairs and saw her toon kids just looking out the window. She turned and face her husband reading, smiling she walked over to her husband and sat next to him.

"Hello Henry." Henry looked up from his book and smiled seeing his wife's smile.

"Hi Linda." He said with a sigh.

Linda turned to the toons and frowned, "still staring at the window?" She asked.

Henry nodded, "For over an hour now. I even asked them if they wanted to go to the movies, or get pizza, but they seem intrigued with watching the rain fall." He explained.

Linda looked at Henry opening and closing her mouth. "Well..." She trailed off. Henry looked at his wife raising an eyebrow. "I might have an idea that might get the toons interested." She leaned over and whispered something to Henry.

Henry smiled agreeing with the idea, but something came to mind, "You sure? I mean..."

Linda grasps Henry's hands. "They need to know." Linda looked at her husband, her look gave an "its time for them to know" look. Henry looked at the ground, then at the toons and back at Linda.

"Alright." Linda smiled and the two went upstairs. Henry opened up a drawer and grabbed a box, while Linda grabbed some photo albums. They went downstairs and saw the toons never left their spots.

"Bendy. Boris. Alice." Henry called out. When he called out each of the toons names, they turned and faced Henry and Linda. "Linda and I found some photos. You want to see some?"

The toons looked at each other and back at Henry. "Alright." Alice spoke up walking over to her father and mother to the couch. Bendy and Boris looked at each other and shrugged sitting next to Henry and Linda respectively.

Henry opened the box, and the toons saw lots of photos lined up together. "Wow." Bendy whispered. Henry smiled seeing the toons being interested. Henry went through the photos and pulled out one. He smiled remembering that moment.

"Take a look at this photo and see if you recognize anyone." Henry handed the toons a photo. In the picture were two little boys. One, which they knew right off the bat, was Henry, who smiled widely showing his two missing front teeth. The 2ndboy, a bit taller gave a shy smile and his eyes didn't face the camera.

The toons didn't recognize the young boy. Was this Henry's brother? Best friend? A classmate?

Then something Bendy's mind sparked him seeing the boy. He compared it with his memories with Joey. Looking at the boys face and remembering Joey's made it the perfect match.

"JOEY?!" Bendy yelled.

Boris and Alice took a closer looking and recognized the boy too. "THAT WAS JOEY!?" Alice yelled.

Henry nodded. "Yep. That was me and Joey at age 8."

The toons were surprised that the evil, cold-hearted Joey Drew was a shy, quiet little boy. Something they never expected.

"So you two were brothers?" Boris asked.

Henry chuckled, "no. Not by blood," The former animator sighed, "but he did live with me, and was something close to a brother."

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