Chapter Ten

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Elena and I were currently decorating Caroline's locker for her birthday. I added a bow when Bonnie came.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I, uh... I got held up." Bonnie said.

"It's okay. We just got here, too." I told her.

"Will you pass me the balloons?" Elena asked cutting a piece of tape. Bonnie picked them up and handed them to Elena. "What got you running late?"

"I, uh, was working on some new spells. You?" Bonnie replied.

"Working out with Alaric." Elena answered.

Bonnie smiled and held up a purple sign that read "Happy Birthday Caroline."

I took the sign and taped it to the locker. "So, uh, we have something we need to tell you... and you're not gonna like it." I told Bonnie.

"What happened?" She asked.

Elena and I looked at each other. "Jeremy's going to be leaving town for a while. He'll be staying with some old family friends in Denver until this whole Klaus thing blows over." Elena told her.

"Jeremy wouldn't just leave you guys to deal with Klaus on your own." Bonnie said.

"I know. Damon compelled him." Elena said.

"You what?" Bonnie asked.

"I know, Bonnie. But it's not safe for him here anymore. Leaving will give him a better life. The only reason I'm telling you is because I know that you two haven't really worked out your stuff. I kind thought maybe you'd want to say good-bye." Elena said.

Bonnie stayed quiet and look at Jeremy from the other side of the hallway.


The front door of Caroline's house opened and she walked in. Elena, Bonnie, Matt and I hid behind the corner to surprise her. When she shut the door, we counted to three then jumped out.

"Surprise!" We all shouted laughing, carrying balloons, wearing party hats, and Bonnie was carrying the sign we hung on her locker.

"Happy Birthday!" Matt smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"Well, you blew off school and missed our, work of art, so, uh..." Elena grabbed a party crown and placed it on Caroline's head.

"Change into warmer clothes, we're going to the falls." I told her.

"S'mores, campfires, cake. Like wen we were little. Plus Ellie." Bonnie said.

"And tequila." Matt added, singing.

Caroline laughed. "Thanks, guys, really. Um... Im just not really feeling my birthday this year."

"I'm sorry, what?" Bonnie asked. "You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day of the year."

"Yea. And now it's just a reminder that, technically, I'm dead." Caroline said flatly. "Look, I didn't even like seventeen. The only point to seventeen was to get to eighteen. It's a filler year. I'm stuck in a filler year."

"You're not stuck, Caroline." Elena told her.

"Yea, I am. But it's okay. You know, it's all good. I will be fine. But I just need some time to wallow in it."

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