Chapter Forty-Six

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Until Sundown

"This is nice." I breathed out and closed my eyes as my head laid on Damon's chest.

Damon and I were cuddling on the coach next to the fire in the dark. Moments like this were my favorite: relaxing and enjoying each other's presence.

"It is nice." Damon whispered.

"Quiet, still, peaceful. I like our life when it's like this."

He kissed the top of my head, "but it is our life, which probably means that somebody's gonna walk through that door and shatter it."

I groaned, "don't say that."

"In ten... nine..."

"Just enjoy the moment." I whined.

"Six... five..."

"Damon, today is the day that we're gonna bring Bonnie back. It's a good day."

He kissed my head again, "three..." and again, "two..."

"It's a good day." I looked up at him and kissed his lips.

"Greetings." Silas sang, opening the door and interrupting us.

"One." Damon finished counting and we sat up from the couch.

"Good morning, frenemies." Silas borough his hands up and the curtains opened, bringing light into the room, "ah. you know, I'm only a few hours into my old life as a witch, but somehow, the sun feels warmer. Probably because I'm not cursed with having to outlive it anymore."

"What's with the home invasion, Silas?" Damon asked.

"Well, Damon, after 2,000 years of a miserable existence, I finally get to die."


"We all know that Tessa was a vengeful bitch. Elena's doppelgänger Amara, who also happens to be a banshee, dies at her hands, but today after 2,000 years, Amara and I will finally reunite." Silas explained.

"Alright. Skip the mushy parts. Look. My girl here is just trying to have a good day," Damon wrapped his arm around me, "and there are promises she's expecting you to keep." Damon told Silas.

"Oh. You don't think that I keep my promises?" Silas asked.

"You said that now you're a witch again, you would bring Bonnie back from the other side." I told him.

"I did, and I can." Silas responded.

"And you promised Damon that you would do that if he helped you." I added.


"But you're kinda evil. No offense."

"None taken."

"So I'm just trying to figure out how I can trust that one of your last good acts in this world will be to bring my best friend back."

"Did you want me to pinky swear?" Silas asked and stuck out his pinky.

I rolled my eyes.

"She's trying to have a good day." Damon said, "just tell her how it's gonna go down."

"I just want to destroy the other side so I don't get stuck in that pit of a purgatory when I finally do kill myself. Before I do that, I'll bring Bonnie back, and being the amazing and incredible and all-powerful witch that I am, I can totally do both things. I just have to find the anchor first and destroy it."

"Th anchor?" I asked confused.

"It's the object Tessa used to bind the spell when she created the other side." Silas answered, "it's in New Jersey."

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