Holiday Plans x15

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"So he really said he just wanted to be friends?"

Kasandra sighs,"yes girl,for the third time he said he's accepted us just being friends"

"Question is,have you accepted it?"

Kasandra groans "if I'm bein' real right now,not really,I just don't get why he won't try and pursue me.."

Kasandra felt like Odell had just given up before even trying to be with her. Teyana was surprised that Kasandra was finally admitting wanting some of Odell's attention it honestly surprised Kasandra herself.

"Ahhh,I'm so happy you're finally noticin' you want that boy" teyana exclaims. "But it's like I have to put in the most effort to want to be more than just friends when he should be the one tryin' to get me"

"Hmmm I get you,I mean there's nothin' wrong with goin' after what you want"

Kasandra scoffs,"Nah,I'm not that thirsty"

"Just make sure you don't miss out on anything,but i wanted to talk to you about Jordan's birthday,We're going to do a little getaway for his birthday"

"Cool,what place did you have in mind?"

"Turks and Caicos,I figured it'd be a nice spot for couples and friends "


"It's only if you're wanting to bring someone,but mostly everyone who I was plannin' on invitin' isn't seein' somebody so I was gonna put it out there that you can bring your significant other" Teyana explains

"Ohh,okay, who were you planning on inviting?"

"Obviously chance and Breanna,jaden and yara,Jarvis,O,Victor,Kelly Oubre,D'Angelo who you already know,naya,and raven and that's it really"

"That should be fun" Kasandra says.

"Mhm,and you can make your move on O"

"Yeah,No" Kasandra laughs. "Random question, you've cut off all communication with Stephen right?" Teyana asks.

"Yeah,why?" Kasandra asks confused. It was pretty random how teyana had brought it up. "I'm just hoping you're doing good in detaching yourself from him because I think he might be married soon" teyana informs Kasandra.

Kasandra just shrugs "that's what he wanted and I didn't so if she's giving him what he wants good for him"

"Good I'm proud of you girl,there's so many others out there"

"Mhm" Kasandra says walking to her bedroom into her closet finding a box. "T,I need to do something real quick I'll talk to you later,okay?"

"Okay girl,bye"

Kasandra ends the call and sets her phone down beside her as she takes a seat on the floor.

She slowly opens the box which is full of pictures with her ex dating all the way back to her college days and also some other pictures from high school. A part of her feels like she's supposed to burn them or something but she can never bring herself too.

She picks up a picture of her and Stephen that someone else took of them during the holidays. She goes through more and more of the pictures which don't fail to tug at her emotions.

When she reaches the last picture she realizes it's not of her and Stephen;but of her and Odell. They were on a football field and were hugging each other while smiling for the picture.

Looking at these pictures shows just how much they've changed over the years. Especially Odell,he became way more mature and found himself.

Kasandra separates the pictures with Stephen and the ones without him into different piles. She has no plans on burning any whatsoever but will most likely have her mom keep them.

A wound was almost reopened but Kasandra knew this time,going back was no longer an option. Which left her no choice but to move on.
This was a really bad filler chapter but I'm really wanted to update for you guys.

But what're your thoughts on kasandras situation? Would you keep the pictures or get rid of them?

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