Selfish x26

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Odell sat in his car waiting for Chantel to arrive. He had asked her to meet him in a secluded parking lot so they could talk. He didn't want her coming to his house, and he didn't want any paparazzi to capture them meeting up.

It had been a few of days since he last saw or talked to Kasandra. The possibility of him having a child with Chantel was stressful enough and he could not deal with Kasandra on top of that. It saddened him that she was not willing to be supportive, as a partner should be.

A Jeep pulls up next to Odell's car and he sees Chantel coming out. He gets out of his car and leans on the door.

"Wassup" Odell nods at her.

"Good" she smirks while leaning against her passenger side door.

"Got your little package"

"I'm happy to hear that" She chuckles. "How'd the missus take it?

"You think this shit funny?"

"Not at all. It's a genuine question"

Odell rolled his eyes. "I didn't come here for this. I want to get a paternity test"

Chantel squinted her eyes at Odell. "Excuse me?"

"I want to get a pat-"

"I heard you very well, I just can't believe you'd ask that. You know I'm not some hoe"

"Of course I'm gonna ask for one. I haven't been wit' you for a minute. And whoever you mess wit' is your business I just want to ensure this child is in fact mine"

Chantel scoffed, "whatever helps you sleep at night"

Odell sighed,"You been to the doctor yet?"

"Why would I go to the doctor"

Odell scrunched up his face. Was she serious? Why wouldn't she go to the doctor to confirm that she's pregnant. "Aren't you supposed to confirm it with a doctor?"

"Oh yeah, I will, duh. I just haven't had the time"

"Seems like your priorities are fucked up then" Odell said opening the door to his car.

"I'd be nice to me if I were you. Don't wanna stress out the mother of your future child" Chantel sneered.

Odell ignores her and begins to pull out of the parking lot. "Until we get that paternity test, you're nothin' to me" and with that he was gone.
"Naya you are so weak" Raven shook her head.

Naya pouted, "I know I am. But, I couldn't help it. He's just so sweet"

The girls are at brunch together and Naya had just told the girls that her and Sterling had sex when he came over to cut things off.

"But doesn't that mean he cheated on his current girl with you?" Teyana asked.

"Nooo, he swore that he and Chanel were just talking" naya corrected.

"I don't like that" Kasandra made a face. "You deserve to be a first choice Naya"

Naya shrugged, "yeah"

Raven rubbed Naya's back, "yeah, we're gonna get you a real man soon"

"Speaking of men, Kasandra what's going on with O? Jordan told me he's having some drama with an ex or something?"

Kasandra groaned as she took a sip of her wine. "Drama isn't even the correct word. He got her pregnant"

Raven and Teyana dramatically gasped.

"Odell must be stressed" Raven said.

"Yeah, how's he been dealing with it?" Teyana questioned

Kasandra shrugged, "I don't know. We haven't talked in days"

"How? You live together" Teyana said.

"Not anymore"

"Kasandra what happened?" Naya asked worried.

"He was trying to hide it from me. I found the test and had to ask him myself"

"Really Odell?" Naya thought to herself.

"I don't get how that lead to y'all breaking up though" raven said.

"He got mad because I told him I didn't feel secure so he said I should "do me". He was being selfish. Like, I don't even know if I'd want to be a stepmom" Kasandra ranted.

Naya, Raven, and Teyana shared a look of disapproval.

Kasandra noticed and looked at them confused, "What?"

"You're so damn selfish" Teyana states.

Kasandra is taken back, "excuse me?"

"Odell finds out he may be having a whole baby with some girl who's proven to be messy, and all you can do is think about yourself." She continues.

Raven nodded in agreement, "Mhm, all you've talked about is how it's affecting you but not him"

"Because it is! I'd have to deal with the bitch he got pregnant. And like I said, it seemed like he was trying to hide it" Kasandra argued.

"I can't" Teyana breathed. She was really frustrated with Kasandra.

"K, Odell was actually really stressed out and freaking out. He called me over and was asking me how he should tell you. I'm so disappointed in how you're reacting to this."

"That man loves you and you should hold onto that" raven states.

"Nah" Teyana shook her head. "You know how Odell is. He's got a big heart. Unless you're going to give him the love that he deserves, then leave him be. Stop projecting your insecurities on him"

"How do you not see where I'm coming from?" Kasandra scoffed.

"Because you're in the wrong. If Jordan was ever going through something like that, I would never leave him when he probably needs me the most during that time"

"Yeah, and Kasandra it's not like he got her pregnant while being with you. This happened before you"

Kasandra got up from the table and grabbed her handbag, "if y'all want to be Odell's fan club then go to him with this. I'm out"

"We're just being honest with you" Raven called out after Kasandra.

Raven, Naya, and Teyana all looked at each other.

"Well" Raven said, "I think we're gonna need a whole bottle"
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Thoughts on how Kasandra's acting??? What would you guys do? Were her friends too hard on her?

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