Cutting Ties x21

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Kasandra and Cheyenne were up before everyone else drinking some green tea together.

"I've been trying to get chance to drink some of this but he swears it's nasty" Cheyenne said shaking her head.

Kasandra laughed. That was so like chance to be picky when it came to what he ate and drank.

"So how've you been feeling since last night?" Cheyenne questioned as she took a sip from her mug.

"I feel fine. Odell isn't the last man in the world"

"Yeah but I really feel like y'all are supposed to be together. After all these years you somehow met again"

"I'm kinda over it to be honest. I don't have time to be chasing immature ass boys" Kasandra shrugged.

"I agree. Just think though, odell hasn't really committed to someone recently from what I've heard so it probably has so many girls he gave some false hope to"

 Just think though, odell hasn't really committed to someone recently from what I've heard so it probably has so many girls he gave some false hope to"

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"Me included"

"I'd hope not" Cheyenne sighed.

Suddenly, Odell enters the room.

"Wassup Cheyenne" he greets Cheyenne with a little side hug.

"Hey O, you good?"

"Yeah I'm Aight. K, could I talk to you outside for a bit?"

Kasandra looked at Cheyenne and rolled her eyes. "Okay"

The two head out to a seating area in the yard.

Kasandra lays back in the seat with her sunglasses on and her tea in hand whilst Odell lays beside her

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Kasandra lays back in the seat with her sunglasses on and her tea in hand whilst Odell lays beside her. Although, he sits up more.

Kasandra seemed very cool, calm, and collected. She was the true definition of unbothered in this moment.

"Firstly, I want to apologize to you about last night. I don't know what the hell I was thinking even entertaining lolo throughout the whole night"

"Nah, you wanted to entertain her so just stand by that shit"

Odell was caught off guard with Kasandra's sudden attitude.

"What was I supposed to do? Ignore her existence?"

Kasandra's jaw dropped and she began to laugh out loud. "You barely acknowledged me yesterday. If you think I'm gonna chase you then you've got it all wrong"

"Nah, I don't expect you to do anything"

"Alright. So what is it? Did you get what you wanted and now want to just be friends or?"

"That's not what it is at all. I ju-"

"Here you go again, explaining yourself. Just be real, O"

"K, I'm trying to expl-"

"Yeah and I'm over it. I'm not a fucking la-"

"Can you be quiet and just listen?!" Odell raised his voice. Kasandra was shocked.

Odell took a deep breath before continuing. "Listen. Please. I'm sorry for raising my voice like that just now but just hear me out.

I haven't been in a serious relationship for over three years. I've had many different situations with women but haven't really committed to one in a long time.

There have been some that I need to communicate with and cut all ties with them. Lolo, was one of those girls. When I walked her out I ended our little situation right then and there, I had no idea she was gonna end up here.
If this thing we got going between us was just about the sex for me, I would've made that clear from jump. I've told girls like Chantel who've wanted and hoped for something more, my intentions.

I'm in love with you Kasandra. I didn't want to commit to you yet without cutting some people off, because I know how some of them would try to go to the blogs with some shit and I didn't want you to have to deal with that.

It wasn't my intention to sleep with you the other night, it just happened. I understand if you still have doubts about me but you hold the upper hand here"

Kasandra was at a loss for words. He had just confessed his love for her. She removed her sunglasses and looked Odell in the eyes. She could tell he meant every single word that he said.

Without thinking twice, she rolls over on top of him and kisses him with so much passion.

Once she finally pulls back she smiles as she examines his features. "I'm in love with you too." She gives him one last peck and before she can pull back he pulls her in for more.

Their kiss begins to get heated turning into a full on make out session.

"Y'all are cute and all but please don't be nasty. I wanna take a nap in there later!" Jarvis shouts from pool.

Kasandra gets off Odell's lap and lays on her back. The two look at each other with a smile and laugh.

 The two look at each other with a smile and laugh

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