A long time coming x18

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*Two weeks later*

Last night we all arrived in Turks and Caicos for Jordan's birthday celebration. Odell hasn't spoken to me since everything that happened after Christian's game a couple of weeks ago.

When we arrived at the airport he didn't even look my way. If anything I should be the one giving him the silent treatment but that's not how I am. Even at breakfast he didn't acknowledge me.

"So girl, what's this whole thing going on with Odell being put on blast?" Teyana took a seat with her glass of wine.

I explain to the girls everything that happened a couple of weeks ago with Odell, Stephen, and his side chick or whatever she is to him. After the whole thing she went on a rant on Instagram which then made it onto the shade room causing a big thing but Odell didn't respond. She was smart and didn't mention me so there was no need for me to check anyone.

"Wow. He actually defended you" Teyana said surprised. "He's definitely changed then"

"Definitely. He used to always let his little high school hoes talk to us sideways" I shook my head thinking about those days.

"That nigga still seems childish to me if he's ignoring you for nothing" Raven hissed taking a sip from her corona.

"I think he's just a bit jealous. It's kinda cute don't you think?" Naya nudged me.

"Cute?" Raven cut in before I could respond. "Nothing is cute about a grown ass man acting like that."

"Facts. He can keep that same energy when I move on to the next dude" Cheyenne, chance's fiancé joined in.

 He can keep that same energy when I move on to the next dude" Cheyenne, chance's fiancé joined in

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"What should I do then? Keep quiet or say something?" I asked.

"Just don't strike up conversation with him but definitely show him what he's missing out on" Teyana advised.

I nodded in agreement. I have no plans on giving in to Odell. I know he's used to always having women fall at his feet. He's never really had to work for a girl. If he wanted me he was actually going to have to work for me.
"She really went off on Steph like that?" Jordan asked. I was telling the guys about what happened a couple weeks ago.

I nodded "Yeah man. Right in front of me"

"Then what'd you do?"

"Walked out" I shrugged.

Jarvis sucked his teeth. "Now why'd your stupid ass do that?!"

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