Apart Of The Family x28

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Odell and I's relationship has been going well since our little rough patch. It feels nice to finally be in a good space in our relationship.

We're on the way to his father's for a Christmas Eve lunch. We're gonna just stay there for a couple of hours and then go to his mom's house afterwards and spend the night there so we can all celebrate Christmas together.

Odell has been having a bit of a rough time with football. His team performed poorly during their last game and didn't make it to the playoffs.

This led to Odell having a break down on the field. He got really pissed at his teammates and overall very emotional.

It was a hard game to watch because they lost pretty badly but it angered me as well. The way the media was trying to tarnish his name bothered me.

"This double standard is craaazyy" he laughs to himself while listening to the sports radio. They were talking about him and the teams performance.

"It's sad man. I like the kid but he's really gotta grow up. Not everything is about him. When you're out on that field, it's time to man up and realize this game is bigger than you. Odell's got a lot of talent but he needs to become a team player. Instead, he's acting like a crybaby out on that field"

I change the radio station because I notice Odell start to get even more irritated.

"Just ignore them O"

"It's just annoying K. Like, am I not allowed to be upset that my team is fuckin' losing a big game?"

"Of course not. They're stuck in that "boys don't cry" mentality which isn't healthy. You just focus on training and getting right for the next season. I've got you" I say, taking his free hand into mine and kissing it.

He lets out a deep breath. "Thanks baby"
Being at Odell's father's house brought back so many memories of Odell and Kasandra's high school days. Odell was just like his father.

"You plannin' on having any kids of your own?" Melissa, Odell's stepmother asks Kasandra as they watched Odell play around with his two younger brothers. Kordell, who was 15 and Sonny who was just 1 years old.

Kasandra shrugs, "Not actively but if it happens it happens"

She found herself really admiring the way Odell was with his siblings. To her own surprise, it made her start wondering what he'd be like with their own children, if they were to have any.

"Yeah I get what you're saying. I definitely wasn't planning on having any kids at this age but that's life. You never know what's gonna be thrown at ya'"

"Mhm" Kasandra hummed, agreeing with Melissa's statement.

It was true. Who would've thought that Odell Sr. would have a one year old son at 45?

"So...you and Kasandra?" senior starts as he sits down with his beer in his hand.

Odell chuckles while joining his father at the table that he was seated at. "What about it?"

"I can't say I'm surprised, but I am surprised"

"Yeahh, life got a funny way of working out"

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