Another night, Another nightmare

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Lillies age- 15 years old


Lillie's POV

I was opening the door that led to the basement, where my motther, Lusamine, and my father Mohn, were doing some experiments. I had been told to not go downstairs while they were doing the experiments, but curiosity had gotten the best of me.

My parents had told my brother to not allow me downstairs, meaning I needed to get him to leave. After a few minutes of attempts, I had successfully gotten my brother to leave, to giving me a chance to sneak downstairs.

I slowly creeped down the stairs of the basement, making sure to not make a sound that might give me away. Within a few seconds, I was able to start picking up bits and pieces of a conversation between my parents. 

"Be careful honey, this is a very unstable substance, one wrong move and it might go off." My mother said.

"Is it really a good idea to be doing this when the kids are home?" My father questioned her.

I reached the bottom of the stairs by then, and saw what they were working on. It looked like a sort of container with something glowing inside.

My mother nodded her head. "Don't worry honey, I have faith that it'll be alright." She responded.

"Alright then." My father said.

"Now make sure to keep it stable, while I run the tests." My mother spoke.

I watched my dad nod. "Don't worry Lus, I'll make sure it stays stable." He said.

My mom let out a little giggle as she lifted her head up to look at my father, but instead looking past him and seeing me. I knew I had been caught.

"Lillie, what are you doing down here?!" My mom shouted, startling my father.

"Lillie's down here?" He said as he started turning around, momentarily forgetting about the substance in the container. His elbow bumped the container as he turned, causing the unstable substance to start violently reacting.

My mother looked at the container in horror, as it started violently shaking. "Get down!" She shouted, before diving behind cover.

My father closed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around me, attempting to shield me. 

My vision went white with the explosion, and the only thing I heard was the shout of pain from my father.


My eyes flew open as I bolted up right in my bed. "Dad!!" I shouted. Adrenaline coursing through my body as my mind tried catching up with what just happened.

It took me a few seconds to get my bearings, before looking down at my bed covers, and realizing I was in my room. 

"J-Just another nightmare." I thought to myself, before realizing that I was shaking and sweating.

"Why...why do I keep having this same nightmare, every night..." I whispered to myself.

I sat in my bed for the next couple minutes, trying to stop myself from shaking. "I-I need to get something to drink." I eventually whispered to myself. Thinking of anything to possibly get my mind off of what just happened.

I pulled the covers of my bed back and got out, putting on a pair of white slippers, and leaving my room. On my way out, I checked the clock on the nightstand beside my bed, finding that it read, 2:30 AM.

I slowly walked through the quiet halls of the mansion, hoping that I wouldn't run into anyone on my way to the kitchen, especially not my mother.

I rounded the last corner before the kitchen, and I saw that the light was on. I froze in place.

"Oh god, I hope it's not my mother in there." I thought to myself. A sudden burst of fear shooting through me as I imagined what my mom might do if she caught me up this late.

Despite this, I peeked around the corner and into the kitchen. Already preparing myself for the punishment I'd get from my mom finding me awake at this hour. 

What greeted me, was a much more welcome sight. There was a blonde teenager with a black sweater and green eyes, sitting at the table in the kitchen, and feeding an Umbreon.

I let out a small sigh of relief, before entering the kitchen. "I'm glad it's just you Gladion." I spoke, while making my way to the far side of the kitchen, and opening one of the cabinets.

Gladion tilted his head up and fixed me with a look of suprise. "Lillie, what are you doing up this late?" He asked me.

I grabbed a glass out of the open cabinet and closed it. "I had a nightmare." I softly spoke as I proceeded to fill the glass with water.

"What was it about?" Gladion asked me.

" was about the accident..." I muttered as I took a sip of water from the glass.

I titlted my head down, staring at the glass of water in my hand, while I let the silence settle between us, thinking about what I could say next.

"I'm afraid to go to sleep." I whispered, "afraid that I'll keep reliving the same nightmare over and over again, or that something worse might come along and replace it."

I tilted my head up, casting my gaze at my brother.

"Gladion...If dad was here..what do you think he'd tell us?" I quietly asked him, asking more for myself than anything.

Gladion tilted his head back and looked at the ceiling, staring at it for a few seconds, before responding. 

"If dad was here...he'd probably tell you to not blame yourself. That what happened wasn't your fault, and that...he doesn't regret what he did, as long as you're safe." He said.

I thought about what he said, letting a small smile creep onto my face. "Thanks Gladion, I needed to hear that." I said.

Gladion nodded. "I'm glad I could help in some way." He said.

"I'm glad you're still here Gladion, I don't know if I could deal with all this by myself." I responded with a quiet laugh.

I watched Gladion grimace momentarily, why he did, I wasn't sure, but I was too tired to ask.

I downed the rest of my glass of water, setting it in the sink once I was done. "I'm gonna go back to bed, have a goodnight brother." I said while leaving the kitchen.

I made my way through the halls of the house, within a couple of minutes, I was back in my room and crawling under the covers on my bed. 

"Hopefully tomorrow will be better." I thought to myself, before slowly falling asleep.

Gladion's POV-

I sighed once Lillie left the kitchen. "I'm sorry Lillie, but this will be the best for both of us." I muttered to myself, while standing up.

I looked down at my Umbreon. "Come on Umbreon, let's head to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I said as I left the kitchen and headed to my room.



I hope everyone enjoys the new story

If you have anything to say, don't hesitate to comment

I'll see all of you in the next chapter


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