Breaking and entering? No, never.

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Ash's POV-

"Damn bushes and undergrowth." I muttered to myself while I trudged through the forest, making my way towards the mansion where Gladion was being held. I had hold of Lillies hand and was leading the way through the dense undergrowth, clearing a path for everyone in the group while I walked. Professor Kukui was following behind us as we made our way to the designated waiting spot. Meanwhile, the two Kahunas, Hala and Olivia, and officer Jenny were making there way towards the other side of the mansion.

I glanced over at Lillie and gave her hand a small squeeze before softly smiling at her. "Are you ready to get your brother back?" I asked.

Lillie looked around like she had just been shaken from a daze, before letting her gaze fall to me. She nodded and smiled back at me. "Yeah..I'm ready to get him back, and hopefully put a stop to my mom." She responded.

Kukui let out a cough while he followed behind us. "Lillie, do you have what I gave you this morning?" He asked her.

Lillie looked back at Professor Kukui and nodded. "Yeah I have it." She answered.

Kukui smiled and nodded in response. "Good, make sure to hold on to it no matter what." He told her.

Lillie smiled at Professor Kukui and nodded. "Of course." She responded.

The undergrowth and brush thinned out a bit as we came to the edge of the tree line, getting a good view of the mansion as we came to a stop. I kneeled down and let out low and quiet whistle as I let my gaze drift across the mansion.

"This place looks like a fortress, guards everywhere, search lights at the top of the house, guards manning said seach lights...this is gonna be a pain in the ass to get into." I whispered to Kukui and Lillie.

Kukui nodded and looked out across the front courtyard where quite a majority of the guards were located at. "That's what the distraction is for Ash." Kukui responded.

I nodded in response to what was said, and as if on cue, all hell broke loose at the front of the mansion. The ground shook as an explosion could be heard down on the other side of the masion. drawing the guards from our side of the mansion towards the large plum of smoke that started rising above the home.

"Well done guys. Now we can get in without getting destroyed by the guards." I thought to myself.

I waited until most of the guards had left their posts and ran towards the explosion. I glanced back at Lillie and Kukui and nodded my head towards the small group of guards that were left on our side of the mansion. "Alright, are the two of you ready for this?" I asked them.

Both Lillie and Kukui nodded in unison. I smiled at the two of them and took two of the pokeballs off of my belt and clicked them, enlarging them and throwing them up in the air. A bright light flashed in front of the three of us, and when it cleared, Infernape and Donphan were standing infront of us.

I studied the small group of guards for a minute, concocting a plan for how to dispatch them without letting them call for help. My gaze slowly made it's way to Donphan and Infernape as a small smirk formed on my lips. "Alright, Donphan use Rollout and take out as many of the guards as you can, Infernape, use Flamethrower on the guards that are left, make sure they can't call for help while we attack." I told the two of them.

Donphan and Infernape nodded and charged out of the cover of the tree line and started closing the distance between them and the guards.

Donphan jumped in the air and curled up into a wheel, immediately transitioning to Rollout once he hit the ground. Donphan rocketed across the open ground and barreled into the guards, knocking them over and tossing them aside like they were ragdolls.

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