Chapter 3

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I'm trying to text my best friend when Hunter skips in and snatches my phone from my hands.

"Hey!" I object.

"Hi." Hunter says.

"Give me my phone back." I demand.

"Why do you want it?" He questions me.

"Because I'm texting Brynn."

Hunter doesn't answer me and attempts to put in my phone password.

"Hunter. Please." I whine.

"Tell me your password. Then you can have it back." Hunter says, holding my phone out of my reach.

"You're not gonna give it back if I tell you." I say, crossing my arms.

"Yeah I will." Hunter says, attempting my password again.

"You're such a liar." I complain.

"If you call me names you're not getting your phone back." Hunter grins at me.

"Why do you want my password?" I ask.

"Because I wanna look through your phone idiot." Hunter says.

"There's nothing on my phone worth looking through. If you can call me names then I can call you names." I whine.

"So then give me your password. And no cause I'm the one holding your phone hostage." Hunter says, waving my phone in my face.

He grins at me. And my brothers think I'm the evil twin. I use my only defence.

"Mom!" I call.

Hunter's smile fades."You're no fun, Emma. Why do you have to be such a tattle tale?"

"Because I can't protect my self against you and the other idiots."

My mom calls back to me, "I'm busy honey. Work it out yourself."

Well that didn't work. I turn back to Hunter, who's smiling at me.

"Ha! Look who can't call mom an me now."

"Shut up." I grumble. "Can I please just have my phone back."

"No I think I'll keep it." Hunter sneers.

"That's not fair! It's MY phone!" I cry.

"It's mine now." Hunter calls, leaving the room.

I follow him out. He begins to head upstairs.

"Please Hunter. I want it back."

"What will you give me for it?" Hunter stops to question me.

"Nothing. I'm not giving you something to get MY phone back."

"Too bad little sister." Hunter says ruffling my hair.

He turns around to leave again. Then I get the idea to take Hunter's phone which is in his back pocket. Before he can walk away I snatch his phone.

"Hey!" Hunter cries.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"Give me my phone back!" Hunter says, stepping closer to me.

"Why do you want it?" I mimic him.

"I swear Emma, I'm going to hurt you." Hunter threatens me, grabbing my arm in his strong grip.

I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

"Don't hurt me." I say trying to pull my arm free of Hunter's.

"Then give me my phone back." Hunter bargains.

"Give me my phone then!"

"Nope. Emma if you don't give me my phone you'll regret it." Hunter threatens.

"Fine! Just let go of me please!" I cry, finally giving into my brother.

"Ha!" Hunter says triumphantly.

I hand Hunter his phone back and he pinches my arm before letting go.

"Ow." I whine. "Can I have my phone back at least. Please Hunter!"

"Nope!" Hunter says, smiling at me.

"Are you serious?" I call after him as he runs upstairs.

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