25: Found You

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That night, Lucy peeked out in the hallway, resting her forearms on the railings as she stared up at the stars. She missed Cana despite running away by herself. Even Evergreen, who helped her. She missed feeling home. But the thought reoccurred to her-what if she comes home and gets forced to go back to the asylum? No, no, that can't happen.

She knows herself; she won't be coming back unless they have proof. She's never gone crazy the past few days, why would her Aunt decide to put her back there even though she promised she wouldn't? What if she was overreacting this whole thing? But then again, Ever did hear her conversation with the old doctor.

The situation caused her so much stress, she was only able to punch the wall out of frustration, before sliding her back against it and hugged herself to cry and hide in her arms.


The blond didn't move and kept her head hung low, trying to muffle her cries and letting the tears run. If she moves, she'd most likely be questioned behind the sobbing. So she tried her best to stay as quiet as possible.

Levy hadn't quite taken a grasp at her state, so as a comfort, she took a thick, warm blanket from inside their dorm and placed it on Lucy so that she could let it all out by herself for now. She knew best than to interrogate someone who's in pain and wants to be alone for a while. She didn't question her.

Which caused Lucy to feel so relieved and cried the whole night, shaking in fear.


On the other hand, Natsu sat tight beside Cana, who he has been helping to find Lucy around town inside the cab. He paid for the fees and everything she needed throughout the searching process. But the progress did not return the favor. He wasn't giving up any sooner, no. He consideres her as part of his life now. Just as Cana (as she told him) had accepted her as her adoptive daughter from her best friend.

And since she's been opening up much more on how she had come to know Lucy, Natsu took the opportunity to tell his tale.

"Lucy actually bumped into me and she was crying that time. When I asked why, she just said she needed a place to stay for a while. That's why I lent her my best friend's place. Don't worry-she's also a girl." He nervously laughs as he added the relevant info at the end. But then cleared his throat to stop himself because the aunt didn't have a good look on her face.

"And you actually lent my niece a place?" She scoffs, "Unbelievably irresponsible."

Natsu was offended. "At least I tried to take care of her needs. You're her aunt and yet you let her out of your sight." He didn't mean to be rude. This was a counterargument to protect his already ruined reputation in her perspective.

Cana looked in his way with wide eyes. Although it was true, she didn't try to respond in any way. "I'm her only family she has. And I've honestly been trying my best. I know she's been suffering a lot from her trauma, but I never knew it would still go bad after getting out of the asylum." Ever heard of an inexplicable mistake? Well.

The news was a head-turner for Natsu. "Wait, what?"

"Didn't Lucy ever tell you she had a traumatic experience in the past?" Cana's mouth fell agape when Natsu shook his head at this. She gasped and zipped her mouth, cursing inside her head to have mentioned it in the first place. She shouldn't have been too much open about the topic. She should've known better that Lucy would not be the type to reveal about that secret to just anyone; especially someone she just met.

"I-I'm sorry, please, just forget whatever I said."

"No, please tell me now. I want to know what it is."

"Mr. Dragneel, it's not something I can easily let anyone have access to. I said too much already." Just when the topic was getting hotter, Cana decided to take the cab to a stop on the first street sign she saw and paid her half. "It's been a pleasure of your help finding her, but I think it'd be best if I do it on my own."

"Cana, wait-" The brunette had already tapped on the cab to make sure it goes farther away for Natsu's stop. He ended up punching the seat at the cliffhanger of the puzzle. He was so close to finding out what could have caused Lucy to be so. . .unfamiliar with some things he's noticed. "What could it have been?"

The phone in his pocket vibrated, revealing Lisanna's name.

Lisanna: have you found lucy yet?

Earlier today, Natsu had texted her telling about what he saw when Lucy left without warning. Lisanna has been texting him all day, but he couldn't reply to a single one. He wouldn't. It was both their fault. He couldn't bring himself to yell or get mad at her for still continuing their habit of sleeping together, since he, too, wanted it sometimes in the first place. It was also his fault since he's never tried to stop her, so she couldn't change her ways of coping up 'til now.

Natsu: no. but i will.


The next day, Lucy found herself coming to class again-for the make up classes and also for regular lessons. She studied harder for the day and aced her surprise pop quizzes and also got to hang out with actual friends during lunch, unlike before when nobody even paid attention to her. It felt nice, as if everything was back to normal. As if she had the normal, perfect life any college student would want to have.

"Lucy! Look at that hot guy,"

"Hot?" Lucy turned to look at whom they were staring at.

"No, not that one. The guy talking to the professor over there," Laki pointed it out this time. It made a clearer view of who they were talking about.


How did he even find her here? Ah, but he did hold a seminar last time. Maybe that's why. Maybe he'd ask some of the professors and staffs he has connections with to track her down. She knew better than to stay longer in the area.

"Uh, I'll catch up with you guys later?"

"Eh? I thought we were going to go find some books to buy-"

"There could be a next time," She laughed nervously, dashing away from the scene. Lucy tried her best to look for the perfect place to stay hidden at, so as not to be found. Although she hasn't quite tested or proven herself in excelling in that particular skill.

She chose to stay behind the lockers. And actually managed to breathe, even for just a bit of the moment.

"Hey," She rose her head up to meet someone else's eyes. "this is my turf."

a/n: kind of a filler chap. sorry
for the delay :( good thing i remembered how i have this
huge plot twist for the story
and the scenes i plan on writing ;)
thank you for reading and for
your patience! ^-^

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