30: Firsts

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Love and Lucky was closed for the day, seeing as it's a special occasion for her little niece, along with the pink-haired man.

She opened Lucy's room, only to see her dressed up and ready. Except for one thing: her clothes don't match at all. No makeup, no hairstyle, whatsoever. She's never been on one before, of course it's natural she wouldn't have known the common ethics of dating.

"You're not coming out looking like a total wreck like you just saw Infinity War and decided to cosplay as one. C'mere." And she obeyed without a doubt. Sitting herself in front of Cana. "Get out of those clothes first. I'll see which dress I can lend you."

Lucy is 18 and even though she's her aunt and only guardian, she still felt self-conscious about it; retreating to the nearby bathroom.

Cana found an old one she's never used in so long; there hadn't been much fancy social gathering going on for her family nor being invited to one for that matter. A blue cocktail dress that seems fitting for a date. A nightout with a gentleman like Natsu, as to what she can assume based on his actions, rather than relying on the biased comments and slandering Gray had done previously.

"Auntie, don't you think this is a bit overdressed?"

"What kind of date did you have in mind, young lady?" she asked with an arched eyebrow for being doubted of her skills as a fashionista. "He's taking you to a gallery. An art museum, whatever it may be called. He looks rich enough to afford to eat at a fancy restaurant. Better to be safe than feel out of place with casual clothing."

She gestures her to go and get changed, to which Lucy did. Meanwhile, Cana had her makeup kit out, getting ready which shade of eyeshadow, blush and lipstick she should wear for the night to match with her decent personality that goes along with her dress at the same time.

"Well?" she raised her head to check out how the outfit fits on her body. "Does it look fine?"

"Fine? Girl, I think the word you're looking for is perfect." The older could've sworn she could feel tears coming out right about now, but there was no time for that. Not when the time for Natsu to drop by is right around the corner. "I'll make you look even more beautiful with these babies."

"Aunt Cana," Lucy called as her hair was getting fixed, "Do you think I'm doing the right thing?"

"I mean, why, of all places, would he take you to an art museum? No offense to art lovers, but it's a date. Not a fieldtrip to be educated."

Lucy happens to love art. Just not able to vocalize her thoughts on it since she had limited knowledge and never been to museums before.

"No, I meant with Natsu. Do you think it happened so fast?"

"Honey, whatever makes you happy makes me happy in return, so stop worrying so much and show me a smile. Show me how much you mean to enjoy this fresh start." And with that, she flashed one. A rather crooked one due to the instantaneous order. "Better. I trust Natsu. You trust him. If you like someone, you have to take risks and then you'll see if it's meant for you both."


"Natsu! You're just in time, come on in." Cana gestures, leading him inaide the unoccupied bar to let him get the best view while Lucy is just mustering up her courage to get out.

"I brought wine, in case your business needs it." Natsu offers, handing it over into her arms to which she gladly accepted, mentally adding points for his attitude and personality.

"I suppose you know the drill with my girl?"

"Get her home by 10:30-ish?" After getting a funny look from her, he changed the choice quickly. "10PM. No drinking, no getting her to my place and absolutely no funny business." If that's what people still call fooling around these days.

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