33: Funeral

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Breathe, Breathe a little longer, Lucy. You can do this. You’ve already revealed more than enough to Natsu. If he finds out about that, what chance does this relationship have?

Blood was spilled.

"You okay?" Cana snapped her out of her thoughts upon hearing her concerned tone while entering her bedroom. "You’ve been spacing out since Natsu left."

She was told to forget what happened 5 years ago. And that, she plans on working on, still. The guilt feeling is not as the same. But it's there; the memory implanted.

"I'm fine. I only needed some fresh air, after all. . ." Lucy was about to stand up and stay downstairs where she could be by herself, until she received a call from Natsu with the phone she’s (finally) been provided with by Cana, so she’d be able to contact her directly if ever she runs away again or gets lost in the city.

"I’ll leave you two some privacy." And with that, the older exited from her bedroom.

‘Still up, huh?’ were his first words.

“I can’t help thinking I almost scared you earlier. . .I’m sorry.”

‘It’s not your fault. It’s mine and I accept that. I should’ve known or at least cared to ask first before doing anything with you. . .,’

“Admirable, but I should’ve told you beforehand, too,”

‘Are you going to the hospital?’

“No,” her eyebrows furrowed at the idea, “why would you ask something like that? Did Cana tell you anything about that?”

‘No, No, Lucy. Calm down,’

‘I was merely asking, because it seems to me that you need to. You can’t always get startled by men like this. . .it’s going to be difficult,’

“Difficult for us or for you?” At this point, Lucy was beyond reach. She was thinking of the wrong things on the wrong side instead of looking at it positively of merely trying to help with her situation.

‘I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm only trying to help and I'm frustrated because I don't know how,’

He could be given points for honesty and not pointing fingers at anyone for his actions.  “That's fine, thank you, but if you want to help, please don't ever mention hospitals again. Swear to it.”

‘I promise.’

She nods along even though she knew he couldn’t see her. Holding on to the phone as if he's that close to her. “Aren’t you going to sleep?”

‘Not until you do,’ his voice sounded a bit sad this time. Probably from how they almost fought. ‘What time are you going to sleep? It’s getting late, your Aunt might worry,’

Lucy looked at her door, knowing her Aunt is standing out there, waiting for her to end the call so she could talk more.  “Don’t you want to talk more? Cana and I always have tomorrow,”

‘As much as I’d want to, I can’t, for now. I just received a call from the company telling me to hire new models for next season’s clothing line,’

At the mention of models, she suddenly found herself perking up. Out of curiousity. And a bit worried about how he would look at them during their photoshoot. “Models as in. . .women. . . models?”

‘Yeah, but guys could be hired as well. Not sure, I’m not the one in charge in that department.’

“Oh,” was all she could say. “I see,”

LOVE & LUCKY 🌹 Layla's Daughter ✓「1st Place in FFFA」Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz