32: Panic

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And so, their days went by normally than they thought it would. Natsu regularly visits for the occasional kisses and greets from Lucy, helping in promoting Cana’s place through photographs and sometimes even bringing one of his copywriters to cover a story for an advertisement for the place.

The townspeople had gone crazy over the hidden gem of the city. Now that it’s become fancier and much more appropriate for women to simply hang out at, as well, it brought in more frequent visitors to regular customers tipping extra for the owner/manager.

Lastly, for the record, Natsu had fired Gray Fullbuster for ever disturbing their family—twice. Thankfully, Lucy managed to tell him before things have gonw berserk around the office because of him. "So that's why I never get to date seriously." He’s only realized this now. "And here I thought he actually saw me as his bestfriend."

"Must’ve been hard raising a child on your own while handling business,"

"Oh, sir, you make me laugh. There’s awfully quite a lot of women’s capabilities you aren't always aware of." He earned a glare for what he called a ‘subtle’ judgement for what a woman can or cannot do in her late 40’s.

"I must be going, then." With the tip of the hat, he goes out, escaping the awkward tensional atmosphere he's created between them.

"Auntie? The police are here."

Unknowingly, she marched right up to the entrance to greet the authorities while standing high on her heels, not letting a hint of vulnerability show.

"And how can we help you, officers?"

"Is this where the 13 year old girl you brought in lives?"

"Yes. I'm her guardian. Did she do something wrong?" Of course she’s sure her niece is not a criminal. A clean slated record that she has.

"No, we’re actually here to get the child to sign a contract regarding the inheritance she shall be receiving from her deceased mother."

That's when it hit the both of them; all this time, they had forgotten about it completely. Even though they knew how much of a big opportunity this is; to use to untouched riches for a luxurious life together. Lucy held on tight to Cana as she was hugged back in the process. "We made it. We made it!"

"You may sign here," The officer gently laid down the contract on top of the table. The blonde reaching for her pen resting behind her ear.

"Don't I have to read this first for security?" The brunette volunteered before anything else in this progress gets signed without their full knowledge.

"It simply states that only Ms. Lucy Heartfilia will share the savings of Ma’am Layla Heartfilia. As stated on her will."

"Look, pal, I'm not some snoopy aunt you think I am. I simply want to help her when she's not even fully aware to read instructions first before starting the test."

"We, too, are simply clarifying the will's statement. It is our job, after all,"

Cana’s been given the miracle of finding almost every residents of the city spending their time here without any form of discrimination whatsoever. A niece she's always been grateful to have by her side. Her employees loyally and dutifully fulfilling their tasks as told. What more could she possibly want in life?

"I'm done." Lucy's eyes went to meet the older's, asking for approval first before handing it over to solidify the deal. Only then did Cana reassuringly hands it over with extra care, keeping her hands behind her back, indicating she’s not the type of person they're accusing her to be.

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