28: Shall we?

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Levy and Laki were incredibly stiffened in place upon entering Love and Lucky, their eyes refusing to look away. Cana greeted by the door with a pencil hanging on her ear, about to take their order for the night, but realized they were Lucy's friends and instead gave them a big warm welcome.

"I've been expecting you two to come by. Lucy's been telling me how much you've helped her." Cana couldn't help but put her arms up in the air, pulling the two in as a hug as a thank you for everything gift. "Everything will be on the house for you two, alright?"

Laki and Levy looked at each other in excitement, then turning back to say thank you and immediately went to the bar to order some cocktail and wine they've always been hearing about but never had the chance to actually taste it. "Lucy, this is great! Thank you for bringing us here."

"Although this is a bar, I don't see any strippers around. I guess it's a different kind of bar; like for drinking only." Laki raised her shot glass to that and clinked with Levy's. Both chugging their drink in one swift move.

Levy was all heated up, "Oh, yeah, I'm feeling good tonight. I should get some more."

Lucy couldn't be happier to have them by her side, enjoying their company and feeling welcomed in her home. Another visitor came by, carrying a sunflower wrapped around an old newspaper. It was Natsu.

"Hi," Natsu was the first to approach her, shyly giving the flower to her. "Figured roses were clichê, so."

"I like it. It's no big deal what you get me." And earned a laugh from Lucy.

Meanwhile, her two friends cleared their throats quite loudly, pertaining for something to happen. That's when Lucy grabbed him by the arm to introduce themselves to each other. "Oh, sorry. We got caught up in the moment. Uh," She ended up letting go of Natsu's arm out of embarrassment in front of them. "This is Natsu, an alumnus of our school. Natsu, these are my friends, Levy and Laki."

Both of them nodded their heads as they stared at each other, giggling at some thoughts they had in mind. "How did you two meet?"

"Well-" "Lucy was the bartender the night I ordered a drink," Natsu cut off Lucy's words to explain himself, figuring he had to step up and talk, of course. Get to know them. "I'm not a big fan of partying, but my friend is. And then we talked a lot. The next time we saw each other was at school. She didn't know I used to be a student there. I was supposed to represent the success and struggles I've dealt with."

"What's your job, anyway?" Laki decided to ask, receiving a rather subtle and abrupt nudge from Levy at how interrogative this is turning out to be.

"I'm a photographer." The two once again, all they could think of doing was nod and agree; listening to his endeavors in life. "I work for a company you might have already heard of and- oh, one time, Lucy modelled-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Lucy covers his mouth and gently pushes him behind her to take control.

"What was that? Lucy used to mod-"

"Ah, guys, we're supposed to be having fun tonight! Not listen to each other's stories, come on." Lucy laughs a bit, holding onto her stomach for a bigger impact. However, the two remained unconvinced and put their interest on her who-apears-to-be-her boyfriend.

"You two look so cute together." Levy commented as a finale. Then tapped Laki on the shoulder only to drag her to the dance floor, "Come on, babe, we wanted this! Let's enjoy it."

"You have never seen my moves before!" Laki boasted as she busted a move, but what looks like came from the 90s. They were enjoying their company, nonetheless, waiting for Lucy to jump in. She kept shaking her head, refusing to. She didn't like the crowd.

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