Wake Up part 6 ( Craig x Tweek)

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Okay major trigger warnings, this is an adult book. Also you all know its gonna be dark and twisty. So heads up, all I'm gonna say.

Tweek took a breath.

I should pick something to wear, something that doesn't have buttons. I suck at those...

He pulled out a nice shirt to go with his black jeans, he had a few for parties but never wore them otherwise. Not that he ever went anywhere.
Dressing up seemed like the right thing to do but at the same time, Craig just wanted to talk to him. So maybe he thought, I'm over doing it.

Crap its so confusing!

I take a breath and go through the last of my clothes, a voice at my door males me freeze.
"Tweak? What are you doing in there? No locked doors in this house Tweak!"
He rumbled at the door handle and I shake, grabbing my things and trying to tidy up. He'll be pissed if he sees them out in a heap.
"C-coming!" I grab them as fast as I can and shove them in my closet.

Rushing over I unlock the door " S-sorry sir, I...I was.."
He steps inside looking around my room and toward my closet, opening it my clothes fall out onto the floor

" whats wrong with you?"

I flinch and look down " I..I was j-just c-changing..."

He grabs my arm tightly and slams me against the bed post I grit my teeth and yelp as it hit me. Landing in a pile by the base of my bed on the floor.

He storms out " clean that mess up"

I rush to the door and close it, pulling my desk to block it. Like that will help.

I catch my breath and examine the damage in the long mirror. Same bruise shape, same place. As usual.

I can't even escape this crap at home.

Sighing I pick myself up and work up the courage to sneak outside.

I can do this. Craig's gonna be waiting for me.

One last breath. I open my window.

Climbing down the garage is easier said than done, but I figure it out dropping to my feet with a thud.

Quietly and quickly I sneak down the street until I'm out of sight of my house. I did it!
Nobody knows I'm gone!
I feel the sensation of a grin growing on my face, I can't remember the last time it happened.

I pass a few faces from school along the way, they seem surprised to see me out this late. I don't blame them, I never leave my house. They just shrug heading to their party or friends house and go our separate ways.

Once or twice I felt the urge to turn around to see if someone was following me, I'm not sure why. When I did though I never saw anyone, so I kept on my way with my hands in my pockets and my head looking down.

Reaching the edge of the park my shoulders raise, the trees are dark and the forest is overgrown along the pathway. My breath is chilled on ice as it starts to snow again, I shake now feeling the nerves hit me.

Holy crap I'm gonna see him!


Its okay.

Craig's waiting for you.

I step through the path to the pond and suddenly...I don't feel so good.
I don't feel good at all.
Like, I need to leave. Now.

"Wow, he actually showed up"

The world around me goes grey, I feel my heart pound in my chest. No. Please don't be real.

Please be a nightmare.

But it wasn't.

I turn shaking to look at them, Cartman, Stan and Kyle.

Pissed drunk. Cruel smirks on their faces " I told you he would " Stan laughed.

I don't want to understand. I shake my head, begging myself that I didn't fall for this.
They stagger and surround me "we got you good twitchy!" I can't hold in my fear and I go to run, Cartman yanks me back holding onto my jacket.
Stan laughed darkly " AW he looks nice too! Did you do yourself up for Craig? He's not here you fucking idiot"

I scream a stammered cry for help and am silenced by a punch to the gut.
They laugh as they beat me up, drunken and cruel they keep kicking me when I fall before Cartman proclaimed his great idea.

" you wanted to see the pond right? Let's show him the pond guys"
They pull me up in a drunken stupor, blood drips from my mouth and I whimper a groan " l-let m-me go! "
They push me around as we keep walking " whatcha gonna do about it  tweakers?!"


My head bobs side to side bruised. Im disoriented, I can  vaguely hear Kyle's voice as I grab hold of whoever is gripping me " dude he's out of it, maybe this is too far"

Cartman laughs and pours some alcohol down my throat making me choke and cough. It burns my throat and stings my wounds " this isn't too far, I'll show you too far boys!"

Then I feel it, a hard push in my back as I go in the pond.

The water rushes to my lungs, my blood mixing with the black glossy liquid as I try to bring myself to the surface. I cry for help as I splash choking, disoriented.
Laughter mixed with terror and yelling from the shore.

I can't swim.

Okay, don't kill me I'm sorry! But its bad, stay with me!

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