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As the alarm went off, I sat up quickly and slammed it off. I remembered I had a math test to take...

I hope i do well, i studied all night for it.

As I finished getting dressed I got my daily materials needed for school and turned my lights off, then headed downstairs and out the door. Usually when I'm ready to go to school, my parents already have left for work but there are days I wake up much earlier than I am supposed to just to say bye to them for the day. 

I walked out to my car after I locked the front door. 

Crap, i forgot about that "R'' guy...

When I arrived to school, I stepped out of my car and looked around, I usually was early so I enjoyed the silence whenever I could before all the students arrived. Lets say, being in 12th grade is both fun and boring for now. I only look forward to it because I want a great future for myself. 

I closed the door behind me and walked into the building, then headed down to the cafeteria. After I sat down, I pulled out my laptop from my backpack and opened up, then headed to my Emails to check if "R" messaged again..

Nope, nothing. 

I remembered he gave me his number but I still need to ask my teacher if it's allowed or prohibited to add his number. So I headed down to my English teachers' classroom and asked. 

"Hello, Miss Lee, I was wondering if i was allowed to save the persons number, he sent it to me and said we could talk there." 

"Yes, it's allowed, but you must include screenshots." Miss Lee replied, as she typed on her computer. 

"Thanks so much! See you in a few hours." I said as I walked out. 

Now that I got that off my chest i was rather relieved. 

I added the number into my phone and sent ''R'' a text. 

Unknown- "R"     L- Lydia 

L; Hey, is this "R"? It's Lydia, your Email buddy. 

Unknown; Yes this is "R" I don't like giving my name out to people I haven't met or just met online like yesterday. Once we talk more, I'll tell you my real name, or we can meet up after getting to know each other and maybe you could recognize me from your local shopping store. I live in California BTW. 

L; That's great!!! I live in Cali too, maybe we can meet up, i'd get extra credit for images with the both of us, which the rules say... my teacher sent a Document of the rules, and one of them states that we could earn extra credit by including 2+ pics. 

Unknown; awesome, well, lets get talking. 

L; Not at the moment, i'm in class, but once i hit ELA, i'll be able to cause thats when we can talk to our Pen Pals. or more like Email Pals cause nowadays we use technology for everything. 

Unknown; Alrighty, see ya then! ;)

I smiled as I turned my phone off and put it in my back pocket. I headed to my first class which was science, but i'm pretty sure we have a sub today... fun... fun.

As i walked in there was a group of people in the back corner laughing and throwing paper balls at each other. We had science with the 10th graders on Tuesday's and Thursday's so it was gonna be extra loud today. 

I'm sure Remington and Emerson would be in my class but, he dropped out. Yes, i did say that I only like one person, maybe two now that I think about it. Emerson has the type of thoughts that make me think about life and the future.. 

''Okay, settle down, remember that this is study time, since there is a sub, she'll be in at any moment, but to the 12th graders that are in my class, you could be working on your Pen Pals assignment" Miss Lee said as she eyed me and a few others.

''I guarantee you mine will have a good presentation, Miss Lee" I smiled. 

"You've always had the highest grades, I wouldn't be shocked." she replied as she patted my shoulder and walked out. 

to know that my grades are the highest is amazing. 

I worked on my Pen Pals assignment and got to know "R'' and we're gonna be meeting up next week. There's only 19 days left till i get to meet Palaye Royale and I'm super exited. This assignment is due in less than two weeks and if I don't meet this "R'' kid because he likes to back out of things, i'll kill a bitch. 

I only thought that inside my head so no one heard it but me. 

After the torture i went through dealing with the 10th graders, it was time to go to math. 

"Okay, class, put all and any notes away, cell phones off or on silent, pencils out and eyes on your own papers. You have until class is over to finish this test. Good luck" My math teacher said as he passed out the tests. He's a great teacher but he's super strict, which i'm not complaining cause people need more help with math than most. 

Soon enough, I was done. I dropped my pencil and pushed my test away indicating that i was finished and I leaned back against the chair. 

"All done already?" My teacher asked

"Yes sir, studied harder than a scientist, i think i did pretty well." I smiled. 

"Good positivity, i'll let you know how you did." He said as he took my test. 

As he looked my test over he was nodded, smiling. 

I nodded as i sighed, feeling relieved. 

L; I think I did pretty well on my math test! 

Unknown; That's terrific, what kind of test?

L; Math test. I told you that already...

Unknown; Ah, i hate math. help me? 

L; certainly, meet up with me.

Unknown; Im trying to figure out something, my brothers and I are busy, we're on the road right now. We'll be in California in about three weeks from now. 

L; There's no way i'll be able to meet you, im going to a concert in three weeks. What day is it that you'll be able to meet up with me?

Unknown; The 28th, for now, tell your teacher that it's gonna be a hassle for you to get pictures of us in the presentation, and that you'll have them in next week. 

L; Concerns me, i have a concert to go to on that day. Do you know Palaye Royale?

Unknown; I'm most clearly aware... Whos your fave?



L; Not so fast... I only like Remington Leith and maybe Emerson Barrett.

Unknown; I see. What about Sebastian Danzig?

L; No, the one with the butt for a chin? No thanks, not my type, but he's a gentleman for sure. :) 

Unknown; LMAO. Well, i gotta go. CYA.

Cya, i thought as i clicked off my phone. 


xoxo chels

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