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For the past few weeks, Remington had purposely avoided me, hadn't looked my way and ended up deleting the posts of him and I on his Instagram. 

It doesn't bother me, though. I went along with it because the whole time he did it, Emerson was there for me. He'd take me out to explore buildings, so he could draw. I found it quite alluring, so I attempted to draw like Emerson... ended up with crooked, sloppy buildings and stick figures with big hands. Drawing just wasn't for me I guess, ahaha. 

Instead of art, Emerson helped me get into writing daily about life on tour, and that'd he'd teach me more about philosophy. He always had me in shock, he uses big words; and I'm just there like ... 


But when it comes to conclusion, it all makes sense. I understand where he's coming from. 

Out of the blue, I got a message from Remington. 

Remington: What's your favorite kind of doughnut...? 

Lydia: Why do you care

Remington: Just answer the question.

Lydia: you should know this.....

Remington: come on lydia, i dont have time to fuck around

Lydia: chocolate glazed... and if u didnt have time to fuck around before hand, you should've left emerson to talk to me

Seen 1:46 p.m 


I turned my phone off, walking around to find Emerson-- found him under a tree, sketching. I sat down next to him. 


"Hi mi amor." he says softly. 

"Anything from Remington?" I ask.

"No, why?" 

I show him the messages from Remington and he shook his head. 

"Just avoid him like he's been avoiding you. Simple." He gets up and puts his supplies away, walking next to me as I head back to the bus. 


Remington: Are u avail?

Lydia: yeah why

Remington: go outside, follow the roses. 

I do as told, following the rose petals to see Remington sitting down on a checkered blanket, a dozen chocolate glazed doughnuts in a box and multi-colored roses with a laptop which was on Netflix. Around the blanket were fairy lights which were L.E.D. 

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, crossing my arms.

boy oh boy did i want those doughnuts... take 'em and run.

"I've been avoiding you because I was setting this all up."

"Liar, then why did you delete the photos of us...?" 

"I was jealous, have you seen Emerson's Instagram lately?" 

"No." I reply as I sit down next to him. He showed me Emerson's latest posts, which were mainly selfies of me and Emerson, his drawings of me and the sunsets. 

I smile and Remington notices. 

"You think that's cute? Its fucking weird and creepy." He says, annoyed.

I ignore him, then taking a doughnut. 

"So, why did you do all of this?" 

"Because I'm sorry." He says. 

"Yeah, yeah."

He pulls me in for a kiss, I pull away quickly, angered. 

"E-emerson..." I turn to see him standing there, a paper in his hand. 

He gives it to me and says "happy early birthday, trader."

 And, Emerson was out of sight. 

"Are we still dating, Lydia?" Remington asks. 

IM SORRY IM SORRY OKAY!? I was beginning to run out of chapter ideas, so the questions as the last sentence help. I will update again. Don't h8 me-- remember Emerson's positivity thing for Seb,

do that for me. BE POSITIVE. PATIENCE IS KEY. 

xoxo, Chels---

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